Almost two years ago, this grill came into our lives.

And as my hottie hubby assembled his new toy...

...I dragged our old cast iron beast to exile in the back yard by the cinder block garden.
What do you do with a solid piece that has outlived its original use?
You reimagine as a piece you have a need for.
A good scrubbing and some oven cleaner removed the layers of Sam's culinary successes.
Meanwhile, we removed the wooden shelves.
The outside got a solid wire brushing.
Lather, rinse, repeat until reasonably clean.
The wood was in okay shape.
Both sides got a few good layers of paint in Rustoleum Spa Blue, then a waterproof sealer.
We started giving the grill a new lease on life with Rustoleum Key Lime.
Raise your hand if you're thinking,
"This isn't heat proof, Sunny! What are you thinking???"
I'm thinking this is no longer a grill.
Fresh and pretty!
How about one more coat?
Full coverage in a bright, happy color.
Now how about some new hardware?
Please note the cracked ice cube tray in the back used to organize small pieces.
2 for $1 at Dollar Tree brand new if you have an ice maker.
Reassemble your new piece.
Looks pretty good, huh?
But what the heck is it now???
My friends, you are the first to see my brand new...
Tons of room for soil inside, adjustable cast iron grate shelving...
Let's drag this where I want it and I'll show you all the features of my new super potting center
starting tomorrow. After we get the front handle on.
Where is that @#$%^& thing anyway?
Isn't it blue?
Ok. Seriously awesome. I'm impressed with your creativity. :)
And is that a gas-ignited charcoal Weber that Sam got?
Aha! Ingenious upcycle! Love those colors.
Perfection :) And the colors are so very you!
Too cool for Q!
Another brilliant transformation. Who would have thunk it...only YOU!
VERY clever! Always enjoy your "creations"!
I have that exact same beast of a grill and was seriously considering ditching. Thanks to you, I'm going to turn it into a potting table. This is a fantastic idea! Thanks!
Love it! I knew that's what you were going to do! =) Perfect!
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