It's finally here!
The day of magic and suspended disbelief,
a day to ward the evil from your home and dress in
whatever fantasy your fetid mind concocts!
It's Blessed Samhaim for some, with a formal dinner to welcome the benevolent, loved spirits
of the past to join the feast,
All Hallow's Eve for others,
and Halloween for the children in all of us.
Costumes abound!
Yes, that is The Husband!
Yes, that was his hair!
Yes, I took this picture!
No, I'm not telling you what's under his kilt!
The comic geeks in the crowd may recognize this as Kevin Matchstick.
A little Cos Play costuming.
Savannah's hair was done with drinking straws and an entire can of Aqua Net.
It took six months for the ozone to recover.
Samwow as the Joker and Thom as Neo.
And again, that's Samwow's hair.
But before you throw on the Michael Jackson and Thriller the night away,
we have one thing still to do...
The Pumpkin!
They're the last thing done around here so it lasts the tropical evening without becoming a
putrid pile of mildew, mold, and flies.
Scary, yes.
Palatable, no.
If you need some inspiration in that department, scroll on down!

I don't know about you, but we'll be staying in costume.
And now, the answers to yesterday's Costume Challenge!
How many did you get?
1. Rabbit from the Steam Punk band Steam Powered Giraffe
2. The Pixar Lamp
3. Wilson from Home Improvement
4. Robbie from Dinosaurs
5. Krum from Aaaaah! Real Monsters!
6. Wilson from Home Improvement. Again
7. The One Legged Lamp from A Christmas Story
8. A Lego Man
9. Steve Urkel from Family Matters
10. B1 and B2 from Bananas in Pajamas
11. Skeeter from Doug
12. Tulio and Miguel from The Road to El Dorado
13. Powdered Toast Man from Ren and Stimpy
14. Mrs. Nesbitt from Toy Story
15. Reptar from Rugrats
16. The Coppertone Baby
17. A slug. Yeah, that's all. Just a slug
18. Forever Alone
19. A kid in a cage being held by some kind of gorilla thing. They aren't all characters, people
20. A Penny. If you missed that one, we need to talk
21. The cast of Futurama
22. A Claw Machine
23. The house from Up
24. A guy in a ca....oh, come on
25. Duffman from The Simpsons
26. Lobster in a pot
27. Mister T
28. A Can of Worms, open. Better known as the upcoming election.
29. Yip Yips from Sesame Street. No excuses
30. A photo of my oven that accidentally got put in that file. I should clean that thing
31. The Prime Minister of Canada
I mean, a Walker from Star Wars
I just wanted to see if you were still reading this.
32. Walle