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Thursday, June 14, 2012

I'll Be Over Here Digging a Bunker

We apologize, but Life in Rehab is taking a break from the garden today.
I'm feeling lazy, so there will be no post.
I stepped outside and decided I didn't like what I saw,
 didn't create a stinking thing,
and then came back inside and loaded the shotgun and found our machete and Claymore,
made a hat out of tinfoil,
and started stockpiling squirrels.
The yard struck me as foreboding.
It may just be me.
But something tells me it's a good day not to work outside.
 We'll be back tomorrow.
We won't be streaming old episodes of Supernatural today, I assure you.
Until then, if someone could explain this uneasy feeling I have, please do.
I just can't put my finger on it.


Keri {One Mama's Daily Drama} said...

Oh my goodness. I thought regular lawn gnomes were scary! These guys might be worse than weeping angel statues...

red.neck chic said...

i'm laughing so hard i can't even form a sentence... i want to come visit your yard. LOLOLOLOLOL

Inkaholic The Freakin Rican said...

You are toooooo funny! I love the Gnombies!

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...
