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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Garden Markers

Okay, honestly, I have a lot of wine corks. I have a lot of seedlings. And I'm OUT of garden markers.

What to do, what to do, what to do....
This is the easiest thing EVER.

Push a ground staple through a cork. Write the name of the plant on the cork. Are you with us?

I was really proud of the idea, since I had all of this around the house. Check the garage, kiddies, and tilt your head to the left. What do you REALLY see? It's amazing what you have just lying around, waiting for a purpose.

Totally Cool Receipt?
I had the staples leftover from THIS project.
The corks are $8 apiece, but they come with free wine.

1 comment:

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

That is a fabulous idea!! I have a lot of corks around myself (I have no idea where they come from?) but I've just been keeping them in a bowl. You're putting them to much better use!!