Oh, I was nervous.
I'd purchased these Chinese garden stools based on two things:
1. I wanted Chinese garden stools
2. They were 75% off at Big Lots. 5 years ago. $3.75 each. Yeah.
Of course you second guess yourself. Were they really as awful as I thought? Was I being unfair about the weird patterns and uneven trim paint? Did I just want white ones for the fresh, updated look?
Well yeah. Where's my spray paint?

First, I gave had Thom give them a thorough scrubbing with soap and water and let them dry.
Next, they got a very light coat of primer to make sure the paint would stick. The primer calmed me as
I watched the designs on them vanish a bit.
5 light coats of gloss white later, I smugly declared that I have to stop second guessing myself.
So which one is new?
Savannah couldn't tell. It's the one on the right. Still had the tag on it for proof.
New Garden Seat: $20
Two cans of Spray Paint: $5.94
I'll even throw in the original price of the 3: $11.25
Totally Cool Receipt? $37.19
Or you could hop over to Target and spend $759.96.
Don't get me wrong, I love Target, but I'm not seeing $722.77 worth of difference here.
Are you?
Are you?
I sure can't tell! They look fantastic. Now what are you going to do with those beauties?
Get outta town! Wow, what a deal! Yours is exactly the same. I'm very impressed.
Mel and Heather,
Thank you, thank you! We're working toward the big reveal, and the new outdoor rooms will be shown off like crazy. And I did confirm the $20 price tag in person, so go to the website and find out where there's a Big Lots near you, because there really IS no difference.
Good because I need some inspiration for what to do with them.
Oh my goodness, this turned out amazing. I can't tell the difference! Love all your stool makeovers, too!
Amazing!! I have been thinking about painting some ceramic things and wondered how it would work. Looks like spray paint can pretty much do anything!
Those look great! And I definitely couldn't tell new from old.
OH MY!! I am soooo going to have to keep my eyes peeled at BL now! :) I've been wanting a silver one (knowing I'd need to paint it...) but your deal is spectacular! holy cow!
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