
Friday, July 19, 2013

Sweet Equations: Brownie Bottom Cheesecake

How do you whip up a special dessert fast?
I usually prefer to bake from scratch, but sometimes, you just know
your day is over scheduled.
Boxed mixes to the rescue!
First, prepare your favorite brownie mix as directed,
going for the fudge-like brownie option.
Bake this in an 11x13 pan.
Wait until your brownies are completely cool'
Sorry, we couldn't resist.
Now take some of your favorite candy bars, chilled or frozen.
Unwrap them.
I shouldn't have to say that, buuuuuuuut...
Cut them into small pieces.
Scatter them evenly over the top of the brownie.
Now get 2 packages of this stuff.
 Whip it up according to...say it with me...the package directions.
Don't make the crust.
Hang onto that.
We'll make a chocolate cream pie later this week.
 Pour the cheesecake stuff over the brownie and candy bars.
(Note: instead of candy bars, you can always sandwich
in a layer of cherry topping, caramel, or your personal favorite.)
 Spread the cheesy goop evenly.
 Now pop it in the fridge for an hour.
Please wait until you've finished your vegetables to indulge.
Not to tease, but there's a dining chair makeover on the way.
No, really, I'm going to do a tutorial that does NOT involve
drywall and 2x4s!


  1. This looks absolutely delicious and I'd love to try it with Heath candy bars!

  2. This looks absolutely delicious and I'd love to try it with Heath candy bars!


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.