
Monday, March 11, 2013

Green and Runny

I like doing a little something to decorate for Saint Patrick's Day.
After all, he does deserve a little recognition and credit, right?

But we're only like 1/16th Irish on the husband's side,
so I don't want to go too overboard,
but the corned beef and Mussels Donegal deserve a little fanfare!
(We'll be sharing recipes for your dining pleasure will be here on Wednesday!)
Now, how do you create a quick and easy runner for $3?
Hellllllllllloooooo, Dollar Tree!
Does anyone else love the possibilities these little felt placemats afford?
I only used three, and I kept it to one design for their laciness, but feel free to
mix and match and head all the way down the table if you want!
Add the centerpiece we just made, and you're done!
Simple and festive!
Tomorrow, we'll talk about what to wear for the occasion.
You should have a little fun with this.
There aren't that many holidays that encourage bad behavior, after all.

1 comment:

  1. Cute runner and very funny about the Jamesons and bad decisions!


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.