I know, I know, I'm late for my own party.
WHY, you demand to know ask?
Marathon (my trusty Kia Sedona van) had a seatectomy and was loaded to
the gills with Mom's possessions several times, which were ferried to her new house.
Locks were changed.
Doors were removed and a sawzall was fired up.
23" doors are now widened to be wheelchair accessible.
Ugly circa 1978 room divider was shown who was in charge here.
It did involve me hanging upside down from a tread at one point.
One dozen screws and countless 3" headless nails later...
When I finally was lightly scented with Aspercream and able to move today,
I started on a hack I wanted to do:
A hurricane inside a bubble cradling a candle in an ocean of sea glass.
So let's start with a spherical container that was in my tropical bathroom
filled with silver shells for the holidays.
Clean it up, bag the sand, and pick out some sea glass.
Put the candle in a Dollar Tree hurricane in the bubble and add sea glass.
Mix the stuff.
Light the candle.
Take an unnecessary amount of shots.
Hurry, because you know posting at 2:30 EST is seriously uncool.
Get some more Aspercream.
You know the rules:
choose an example from this post, or use it to inspire you,
make it, post it on your blog, link it with my button, and leave a comment so we can all come and see!
Every couple of days, I'll swipe your photos and do a round up
of everyone's projects linking back to your blog!
With 1000 hits a day over here, it's a good opportunity to make some new friends
while you brighten up your digs.
Finally, tap tap tap, I've been waiting!!! Cool candle, Sunny! Brings out the dragonfly in me!