
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I Say You're Cold~Put on a Sweater

How many times did you hear your Mom say that?
Have the words ever left your lips?
It's okay~
Everything is wrapped in sweaters this Winter.
 From wall decor... tabletop trinkets...
...right down to this ceramic vase I couldn't leave behind.
Hey, it was half price!
Of course, a lot of people are now bargain diving, so most of the other goodies were GONE.
What's a crafter who just cleaned out her closets to do?
Yeah, like you didn't see THAT coming, huh?
 For the next couple of projects, you'll need a sweater.
A nice button front cardigan is best.
And for once- I'm gonna say it- size does not matter.
 Details do.
 If you're Goodwill Hunting, choose a great knit.
 Pockets, cuffs, cables are all going to make the next little 
makeables sizzle with warmth.
For our very first trick, you'll also need a pair of straight sided vases from The Dollar Tree.
 Slide the vase into a sleeve.
 Decide how much of the cylinder you want to cover.
 Now, with a pair of sharp scissors, follow a line of stitches.
 Cut the sleeve off and trim it straight.
 Use it as a guide to cut the second sleeve.
 Now get this stuff.
You don't have this stuff?
You should have this stuff.
This is really good stuff.
 Run a generous bead of fabric adhesive around the cut edge of the sleeve.
 Slip a rectangle of wax paper or freezer paper inside the sleeve.
The adhesive won't stick to this.
 Lay both on another sheet of the paper to dry over night.
 And the next day...
 Now just slide the sleeve onto the vase.
Pop in a pillar candle, and we're all warmed up!
 The sleeves come off and can be packed up in the Spring too!
AND you can slip this on a wine bottle for a cozy hostess presentation.
 Light these up and add them to your Icy Tablescape.
 The good part?
 At $1 each, if you have to purchase the vases, these will help you keep
that resolution you made to be frugal this year!
 So celebrate!
Don't throw that sweater away~ we have some more free tricks to perform!
Happy New Year!


  1. Oh dear! I may have to knock you off on this one! I love it and I have some cute buttons that have been screaming for a sweater project!

  2. How "Neat"! I'll have to do one also. Thank you.

  3. So fun!! Does that 'stuff' keep it from unraveling?

  4. super cute! May have to try this one :)


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