
Sunday, August 26, 2012

What's Blooming?

Thank you to Della for paying more attention to the weather than me...
 THIS is Tropical Storm Isaac setting up a cooler and lawn chair in my back yard.
NOT Ivan.
I dated Ivan a couple of years ago.
I'm just so bad with names.

This bloom is nearly 2 feet in length.
 And I have over a dozen of these plants in full glory.

The hot pink of a bougainvillea is actually just leaves.
That tiny speck of white is the flower.

 Even our weeds are lush and bright.

 It's sometimes hard to pull them.

 I'm going to admit something a little strange:
this fruit tree is 12 feet tall.
And I just noticed it.

 That can happen in the back corner of my jungle.

 If I ever find a car I didn't know I had,
I'm not about to tell you.
Happy Sunday.


  1. I always enjoy this post, first it makes me miss Florida. I spent 5 years there from 2003-2008. I also enjoy it because I can't grow anything. Ugh. So I must live vicariously through others.

  2. I'm with PJ. I always look forward to your bloomin post! The flowers are beautiful.

  3. Me three...I love to look at your beautiful flowers. Especially since nothing grew here in this nasty drought this year except what was on my deck in pots. What is the fruit?? Sorry....I only recognize fruit in the grocery aisle.

  4. Me four :) Next year I'm putting in some tropical-style-but-hardy-enough-for-DC landscaping. Just love tropical plants. What is the fruit? Papaya? Good luck with the storm!

  5. Hope Isaac doesn't mess up your jungle. Stay safe....and enjoy those papaya's when they ripen!!!!!! I wish I could discover a PAPAYA TREE in my backyard!!!


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.