
Sunday, July 1, 2012

What's Blooming?

We had some visitors in the garden today...


Happy Sunday.


  1. Wow! Is that lizard wild? Do they damage plants? So cool!

  2. Sunny, look, you KNOW I love you, no doubt about it. But if you keep making me dizzy with jealousy with pictures of all those critters, I might yet decide to go all Glenn Close on you. Seriously, you can't post emerald scaly things and expect me NOT to plot how to secretly take your place! I might have to lose some serious weight and do something about my hair and pay the minions to call me Mum, but those are details I can sort out once I have settled in. Don't worry, I'll bring my own glue gun.

  3. Lovely.

    Is that a green anole? And who is the blackbird? Do you know?

  4. Hi Dusty,

    That little marauding lizard is a Cuban Anole, And the black bird, who is crazy enough to be going after the cats, is a Grackle.

  5. Thank you! I should know a grackle when I see one...


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.