The hacks are FLYING!!!
You guys are nuts!
I'm really impressed with how crazy you've gotten with the paint and glue
artistry, using things you've got, yard sale finds,
and even cheap picnic cutlery to craft some pretty high end looking stuff!
Only two days have gone by, and already the creativity is hot and heavy.
How hot?
Let's peruse, shall we?
Natalie at NorthShore Days did a take that was simplicity at its best.
This page from the catalog spoke to her
She pulled a glass from the cupboard, and voila!
Not a bad way to spend 5 minutes, eh?
Distressed Donna is more at home with country and primitives, but she
sure grabbed a can of silver spray paint like a pro.
She claims to still have a glint of it under her nails.
This little nest got guilded and nestled in tulle with lights to create...
drum roll, please...
...a Z Gallery inspired Glitzy Little Night Light!
Did she stop there?
When you have the silver bug, an oncoming freight train can't stop you.
Silver shells turned into Silvery Tree Shells~
and her neighbor wants one!
We may corrupting the neighborhood.
I think at this point, she realized everything looks better in silver
including Frozen Charlottes, glass funnels, and paper tags,
I'm waiting breathlessly to see what she does next!
Danni over at Silo Hill Farm loved this vase,
but the colors were not at all her house.
What's a girl to do?
Well look at that, it's available in other colors!
At least it is at Danni's.
You're decorating YOUR home, after all, and this is the great part of a hack;
if the original doesn't completely work for you, hey~
buy different paint.
I'm loving the blue with the silver fronds.
Danni also fell hard for this clam shell,
which runs between $60 and $130 at the Z.
Can a price tag stop true love?
She ferreted out her own bargain version at a Goodwill for...
Eighty. Seven. CENTS.
I bow to your shopping talents, Madam.
You'd think Danni would be exhausted, but she was kind enough
to take a project I wanted to hack and show me how it's done!
Her twist was a tabletop model of the
Inspired Up Light that fit her surroundings, and seriously,
isn't it a dead ringer?
For Mich in LA, price was no object.
She wanted this hack badly enough to pony up the extra pennies
and blew a full dollar on her plastic bowl at a yard sale.
The back got painted a glossy white.
The interior, however...
...remained this dreamy blue.
Translucent heaven, isn't it?
Summery, decorative, and even practical, this food tent is weighted with shells,
but also a high dollar amount.
I think Gail at Purple Hues and Me found a way around that as
a tent she already had got a seaside makeover for nearly nothin'.
This really takes a pest solution from practical to show stopping.
This pillar is a coastal fantasy.
She liked the look of the natural shells better and
Scroll back and notice how nicely this compliments Gail's
new food tent too!
They're perfectly coordinated.
This one scared me.
Take small children out of the room.
Is it safe?
Gail went pure mad scientist here.
Her version is every bit as showy, and it's made from...
...wait for it...
If this ran her a dollar, I'd faint,
and it's a dead ringer for the $15 version!
Minions, light a fire and grab the cutlery!
My cohort in this lunacy
Steff, the Lisbonlioness of Three bed semi
was okay with the yellow.
It's a nice color.
But the zebra print?
Must. Hack. Zebra.
This little table lamp got elevated to eye catcher with some animal magnetism.
And, brave crafter that she is,
she risked her very domestic bliss for this ceiling bauble with a froufrou frock of boa trim.
c'mon, up!!!
I've had a silver shell affair for years.
I had a slight cloche call with my latest project.
Get it?
Cloche call?
Yeah, I know, not funny.
Then there were these little coral candle holders.
Steff went for a driftwood interpretation for a natural, light, airy effect.
I love how it perfectly compliments her other goodies too,
bringing in some subtle sea and sand without changing the mood.
I think I need one of these myself for the beach house.
She wasn't satisfied with that!
Where there's a will, there's a way, and my intrepid co-hostess wanted coral.
So what did she do?
She, um...baked it!
That's right.
This sea creature is pure salt dough!
Do I win some leopard spandex capris for that?
For my last weird trick...
I genuinely, truly needed these.
I just didn't have a spare 70 smackers for the pair.
Some PVC pipe, garden supplies, and plumbing adhesive did the trick,
and I now own a shell tower that all subsequent guests
poking them for some odd reason.
I don't know why.
I should probably ask.
If you still have a few hacks up your sleeve, don't stop now!
I'll be happy to showcase your brilliance as the muse speaks.
Yay! THis was so much fun and everyone's hack-off were marvelous!! I'm so glad to see you on my reader again! I hope you'll do a post on how you fixed that!
ReplyDeleteWe had a blast! Enjoyed this round-up! Did you ever think of writing poetry? You are so funny! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!!!
ReplyDeleteIt is so impressive when you group the hack-offs all together - it looks just like a design catalog. I am not boasting here, BUT (A big but!) we are pretty darn great, marvelous and stupendous! Thanks, Sunny and Steff!
ReplyDeleteYay thank you for putting me in there with those great knock-offs Sunny xx Nat