
Friday, July 6, 2012

Inspiration Point: Glitzy Z Gallerie

Now, I love Pottery Barn as much as the next woman.
 Crate and Barrel? We're old friends.
 I get a lick out of West Elm. 
But when the idea well runs dry, there's really only one place to go.
You need luxe, over-the-top outrageous style that will overstimulate
your imagination and make you wish your vehicle was a Tardis instead of a Prius.
You need the loot transport space.
Step into Z Gallerie and keep your credit card in your wallet if you can.

Warning: I was in this store for a LONG time.
 We strolled into this study in black and white as we passed the threshold.
Not my usual style, right?
But the flow of this display was like liquid brakes,
halting me and beckoning to inspect the details.
 Which opaque glass light fixture was in my future?
The black study in drama, or the barely there white?
I was envisioning the latter strung with lime green mini glittered
Christmas balls and white grape vine for the holidays
before I could stop myself.
Sink into this ceramic tea light nestle...
...and just imagine each guest with their place setting aglow.
I feverishly scribbled that in my idea notebook.
A bouquet of these little fantasies uplit in the dusk?
You'd be an entertaining legend!
 I'm on a hunt for the perfect new every day dishes.
I've even taken stacks of plates for a ride around the store, but none ever left with me.
They weren't right.
Obviously, I was just saving myself for THESE.
 The blues, the shells, the classic botanical print quality of the image...
they'd mix flawlessly with my square aqua plates and tropical serving vessels.
 AND these are melamine!
That's right.
Would you imagine?
Unbreakable day to day heaven as airy as a walk on the sand.
 I can see my table dressed like this, with blue coral for a fun punch and natural jute.
"Uncle Wilfred, your seat is at the puffer fish."
 These are just about the most amusing embellishments
 I've seen for a seaside table mix.
There'd be no room for the food, but the romance of it would be worth it.
 How to light the table?
How about votives cradled in faux coral fingers?
A handful of augers tossed on the surface would announce a seafood menu in no uncertain terms.
I'd love a few of these nearly-three-feet-tall exotic cages
to house battery powered pillars on the patio
while we enjoy some pineapple mint green tea,
Or perhaps just for me.
 If you're a little more "well-red," don't worry...
 ...your dreams can be vermillion.
 This would keep pests from crashing my alfresco spreads in great style,
wouldn't they?
 I like the weight the shell trim provides too.
One good gust, and my current tents desert us.
 I know I don't have space.
These can't ever be mine.
But man, what a bar set this would make with sand dollars
tied around the necks with twine announcing the
bottle's contents in calligraphy.
 Mmmmmmmm, yellow.
I'll just redecorate the whole dining room to accommodate this.
 My real orchids do well, but I also have an affinity for the
silk species indoors, if they're a good copy.
Who would guess your thumb isn't neon green with these?
And I think I need some looking glass paint for the dresser
by the dining table now.
 Wouldn't these be lovely anchors for my Buddha collection?

 This was a pillar of opaque plastic wrapped in bamboo with a soft light.
I smell a hack coming on, don't you?
 Okay, a tall bare branched silver tree.

My mind flashed from tiny paper Chinese lanterns to 
synchronized lights that glowed like lightening bugs
to wired shells.
I'd probably redo it constantly.
This will drive Sam absolutely bonkers.
 Have you ever looked at a store display and been able to envision
yourself sweeping the whole thing off of the surface and into 
your shopping bag?
 I didn't even look at the price.
As long as I didn't know, the illusion of this on my bookcase
could be kept alive.
Filled with frosty aqua orbs?
And strings of glowing pearls?
You know this is my Christmas centerpiece.
Or Fall, or Summer, or Spring, or...
 Who paints shells silver.
Oh, right.
 The pillar pedestals are flippin' grand.
And I must have them.
Or is that hack them?
Vannah, wanna go to Goodwill with Mommy?
 I love everything about this.
I realized at some point that I'd stopped breathing.
I was okay with it.
I'd pass out from lack of oxygen on that rug in a heartbeat.
 Look at this pendant!
Someone hide my glass drill bit and my cloches.
Stop me, stop me now.
 I don't think I've ever seen a more perfect chair for hiding from the world.
A stack of project magazines, a pot of tea, the fire blazing,
and that throw draped over me.
I wonder, if I buy the chair, will they throw in the throw,
making it a free faux fur throw?
Do I have to say free faux fur throw 3 times fast first?
It would be worth it.
I was having problems deciding between the white and black chandeliers
until I spotted this one.
Sparkling turquoise glass.
This is the one.
I'm definitely playing the lottery Saturday.
 These bursts of chrysanthemum are gathered in mirrored mosaic vases,
but honestly, I'd use one note in a clear bottle vase.
This kind of flower is fine on its own.
 This artwork belongs in one of my Havens posts.
Close your eyes and step off of the slick, clean
hardwood floor and slip into the refreshing water below.
You could lower the temperature of a hot room in 
August by 15 degrees just hanging this.
 Bouquets of gems?
 How many projects just ran through your mind?
You got me a white porcelain  Buddha fountain
to sit under my silver tree?
Well aren't you sweet!
 What color do they not have at this store?
Purple smoke and mirrors makes this setting dramatic
enough for Garbo.
 They do have a clearance section!
This little crystal octopus was marked from $60 to $30.
I'm patient, I can wait.
I'm watching you....
 How fun would this be as a dinner party appetizer?
 I...I want an umbrella in my living room.
Right now.
 I've always wanted a giant clam shell.
Sand, a few shells, candles, some seaglass.
I could live with that.
 This room is deep and dark, like a silky chocolate with toffee
for texture and a little orange zest.
It wouldn't be my choice for every day, but as an exotic treat?
Indulge me.
 If you've ever wanted to hang a giant turtle shell in your house,
here's your fake, humane chance.
 A fur bean bag chair.
Over the top?
But seriously, it beats the vinyl models for style by a mile,
and it won't stick to your butt when you get up.
I could definitely catch a movie nap on one of these!
 I love this bleached wood table with a subtle patina like driftwood.
The Minions could destroy it without blinking.
I'm serious.
I suspect that they secretly hate tables.
More mirrored furniture.
I like the shine, and I love the way the light bounces.
I may need more than one can of looking glass paint.
I may need a Krylon sponsorship.
 If you're a world traveler, this is a fun collection of brick-a-brack.
 I've only seen these iconic monuments in miniature at EPCOT,
but they do make a statement.
 One bone of contention is our house is serving pieces.
Sam would prefer to stick a black nylon kitchen spoon
in the brie mashed potatoes, while I like to fish out my
silver utensils.
I draw a line in the sand when salad comes out with cooking tongs.
These might change his mind.
 I doubt it, but ohhhhhhhhhhh, SHINY!
 White upholstery coaxes me too it,
but like a siren serenading me toward the rocks,
I know what would happen when the Feline Overlords met the furnishings.
Epic disaster.
 If you don't have a shore that yeilds up driftwood, don't panic.
You can always order it.
 Oh, hello.
 Come closer.
 I may have a raging crush here.
 Hey, napkin rings to match my new salad servers!
For directional lighting meets industrial elegance,
I don't think you could ask for more than this

I left inspired with project ideas and a list of
Mark my words, those dishes and I have a future.
This skull belongs in my Halloween Bling.
Bottom line:
I need a bigger car.
Special thanks to Hilary for allowing us to run amok in her store with a camera.
Yes, I ALWAYS ask permission.


  1. My much to see. Lots of inspiration, it must have been hard for you to leave.

  2. wow! That store has some amazing stuff, truly drool worthy and I see so much of you in there :D I'd have a hard time coming out of all that beautifulness.

  3. I need plastic starfish, white spray paint, that post where a lady made faux corals, a seriously branchy branch, more white spray paint, that post where a lady made faux driftwood, morror tiles, old jars, grout and a week off.
    Oh, wait.
    i HAVE most of the above plus a week off coming up.
    Think our landlady would let me paint her wonderful dried blood red and snot yellow bathroom tiles white? Meh, shenanigans. WHY would I bother asking?
    I challenge thee, redhead. Week commencing 23rd of July, Craft- Off with stuff inspired by this post and this post only.
    Up furrit?

  4. I'm right there with ya on the shell plates and oceany stuff. That starfish bowl is so doable! I think I have to make one!

  5. Oh I can't wait to see what you make now that you've been inspired by all of this! I got some inspiration myself for a little time..!

  6. I love me the Z! Used to go all the time until my local one moved away. I know you can remake most of this yourself - do eet!


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.