
Friday, March 23, 2012

Health Update

One day last summer, I woke up to a belly that looked like I should be fully dilated
and crushing Sam's hand while calling him names that involved 
sexual positions with farm animals.
The usual natural birth scenario.
However, I was 50 and NOT pregnant.
I spent the next 6 days in the hospital having every test in the book run.
I have micro camera footage of organs I didn't know I had.
They ruled out the really scary things, like pancreatic cancer.
They drew liter after liter of fluid from my abdomen.
It seems I'd turned wine into beer.
Through all of the fun, Sam camped at the hospital, sleeping in a recliner and holding my hand.
Hold the roses. I know what love is. 
 When life bakes you a cake, get over it and rise to the occasion.
I still had a house under construction, a mother in a wheelchair, 3 children starting college,
and a special needs son that needed his mother to run rough shod over anyone 
in his way.
 Never underestimate the bad ass powers of a woman.
 I got the blog back on track, sorta.
I'm posting regularly, but since my family won't let me on ladders, let alone up on the roof,
things light.
Thom moves like lightening if I say "Ow!" from the other end of the house.
I need naps pretty frequently.
My legs and feet swell into hamhocks.
I never seem to comment on my favorite bloggy buds either.
 And yet, you guys are still there for me.
You have no idea how much that's meant. 
It's been a lifesaver to read your encouragement.
Thank you for visiting, the private emails, the compliments.
 I did lose a ton of weight in the process.
Hauling less of me around has helped.
 Bottom line: I'm recovering.
I was told I'd be in the hospital monthly.
I haven't been since October.
I'm taking it easy, but not as easy, and baby, take this to the bank...
my big girl panties are ON.
 And you can't keep a bad redhead down.
Hey, Guys, am I allowed to drywall yet?
Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnn...


  1. I guess I got all caught up in our family health issues and didn't even know about yours..I'm sorry for not being around! I love this post!!!! This is the way I feel about dealing with things and my sister had this same attitude when she went through the breast cancer business...Keep up the good work and I'll be checking in just to make sure you do my friend! - My favorite one above is "Oh crap, she's up"! xxoo

  2. Here's to hoping those pesky medical problems are on their way out and you are on the road to a full recovery. You were missed and it's been good having you back :) Take it easy, let the minions wait on you and do your dirty work while you sit back and relax.

  3. So glad to see that you are on the path to recovery. Before you know it, you'll be up on the roof and drywalling. Until then, I agree with Deb, let the minions do the work :)

  4. you go girl :) I applaude you clap clap clappity clap
    ps the drywall can always wait

  5. Oh wow! I only started blogging in January. I didn't know. I'm so glad you are on the road to recovery now!

  6. I am thrilled to see a pic and you are up and about. Guts and grit for sure. I will continue to pray. Hugs, Marty

  7. Continue to take good care of yourself. I'll always be here for you, sweetie.

  8. I was wondering what happened to all the projects... Have been a bit bad myself in not reading many blogs at the moment. So sorry to hear you weren't doing so well! On the plus side, you still look (and are!) amazing :) I just finished watching 'True Grit' and indeed you have some! Now that I know what it means... ;) Take care of yourself and sending you big hugs from London!

  9. Since when is a rocked-out hairband not a project? OK, when it has David Lee Roth fronting it....details, details. I'm with the gals above, let your minions free-range roam doing their Momma's bidding :) Take care of you. You look better and better each time I check in. Glad it wasn't a baby....phew, who needs the celebrity? Right? LOL

  10. Minion Labor Minion Labor!

    Just teasing. Sort of. Thanks for sharing an update, and as always I am so relieved that you are on the mend!!!

  11. As with every post, you made me laugh! Still one of the funniest bloggers around, and now dang ye, you made me tear up. You have the most wonderful family (you deserve them) and I just love hearing that they are keeping your feet on the ground and running to your side with every 'ow.'

    It sounds incredibly challenging, all of it - and still you're entertaining us with this highly cool blog.

    I blow kisses and hope you will keep on feeling closer to normal each day.

  12. I'm free this summer, I think I should camp out at your place and do projects at your house. Two redheads joining forces??? We'd be unstoppable!! :D

  13. YOU ROCK! While I wade my own way through menopause, looming divorce and a transgender child, thank you for the "Be the kind of woman" jpeg. I printed it out and posted it on my bathroom mirror. My very best wishes and positive thoughts for your continued recovery.

  14. sending all the good health vibes i can muster your way!!!

  15. Sunny, your positive attitude is amazing! I hope that you continue to do well.

  16. You have a wonderfully relentless spirit. Naming you Sunny was the way to go. I have been neglecting you and did not know you were ill. Will be back.


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.