
Monday, August 15, 2011

The Horrors of Landscaping, Part 3

 So, whatever happened to the painted shipping pallet?
We did have something specific in mind.
First, mark the width of your pallet on the ground with a shovel.
Then start excavating a planting bed, digging down about 4 inches.
Mark where your posts will go. Our posts are scrap wood left from construction.
Dig down 9 inches with a hand shovel.

Set in the posts and pound them in with a rubber mallet.

Loose stones and rocks in the holes will help stability.
 Slide your painted pallet right over the posts!
 Back fill some of the dirt, then decide where your 4 new blackberry bushes are going. Dig the holes, making sure they are half again as large as the pots so tou can loosen the roots and spread them out. Put down weed blocker fabric, cutting large Xs over the holes you dug. Drop your plants in and continue to back fill.
 Twine the vines through the slats.

 The plants were $2.00 on the nearly dead shelf, and we nursed them back for a couple of weeks.
Now who wants blackberry pie?
We do wish to caution you: NEVER celebrate by letting a lizard use your lighter.
It just isn't a good idea.


  1. I LOVE Geckos! We had them in the Phillipines when we were stationed there.
    We are moving to central Fla. in the near future, I wonder if they have them there? Thanks for sharing. 8^)

  2. Great idea for a trellis, but do you know how tall blackberries get? I think you should have made it two pallets high. Invite me to come eat pie-I love blackberry cobbler!

  3. What a neat way to showcase the blackberry vines! I'll come for pie, but no lizards, please!

  4. Awwww....I so miss the lizards. Give him a big hug for me Sunny. I love blackberry pie by the way. You can have the lizard deliver me some. I will be sure to keep him away from lighters!

  5. Wicked jealous of your blackberry bushes. Justin's not convinced we need to plant our own yet......

  6. Very cleaver and a great support for the berry vines. I like little lizards they are great friends in the garden.(-:

  7. Blackberry jam is one my favorites!! Feel free to ship a few my way. Awesome idea for a support for your vines. We came home from our week away to find that rabbits had tunneled into the garden and had a HUGE much-fest. URRRRR.


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.