
Sunday, May 15, 2011

What's Blooming? Canine Edition

Our dog, Arwen, a pure bred North American Hairless Chud,
showing how happy she was to have us home.
Enjoy the giggle.

Happy Sunday.


  1. Don't you just wish you could flop on your back a wriggle around and get that much joy? (Wow that just sounds bad) I wish something that simple could make ME that happy! How about that!?!

    ~ Nikki

  2. I love her so much!!! Also, why isn't there a category for her in Westminster?

  3. I had a complete bstrd of a weekend (work, work and more work, and tomorrow doesn't look good, either), ran out of wine an hour ago and feel like the only thing that stops me from turning into a psycho serial killer is sheer laziness. But that pup restored my faith in better things to come! Thanks, Sunny, for putting a completely daft, broad, cheesy grin on my face!


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.