
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A State of Neglect

I'd like to now present to you The Face of Neglect:
Yes, this is the ugly truth.
As I study for my insurance exam, several things have been ignored and forgotten.
The Brainless Pack has gone unfed.
The Feline Overlords have suffered a lack of scritches.
The Minions have remained in the dark covered in sack cloth and ashes.
My husband may or may not have left me, I can't remember having seen him in days.
And I forgot to take the brakes off of my mother's wheelchair.
My glue gun is covered in dust.
My drill is rusted.
My garden is a dry, fetid brown heap.
My house is overflowing with refuse and hoarder-like piles of stuff.

Okay, none of that is true. If it was, I'd have a license by now instead of being five and a half weeks into this unemployment thing and not quite ready for the practice exam.
Sure, I'm flippin' ACING the chapter exams, but I need to seriously concentrate and get this done.

You know how it is when you're home- where did that cobweb come from? Oh hey, I have a big list of projects I could get done! Don't you think the living room could use rearranging? When was the last time I put mastic on the roof?
Will you lovely folks excuse me for today while I wallow in annuities and endowment policies?


  1. You are excused as long as you finish off with a nice glass of your favorite vice.

  2. You poor lass, just chill when you can and otherwise concentrate on your studies. The cobweb, I promise hand on heart, ain't gonna go nowhere! ;)

  3. Go get 'em!! I'm sure you will do great... as long as you close the email this comment came in asap and get back to the books (j/k). And that is such a sweet pup face!

  4. Good luck on your exam! I don't have an excuse but my blog is neglected!!

  5. You are excused, when you get back you find us huddled in the corner rocking. Suffering from withdrawal like symptoms no doubt! :-) Seriously, good luck on your exam. You will rock it and we will be waiting semi-patiently. Glad you could use the 40% off coupon too!

  6. get back to studying! lazy git! if the man0thing comes back whip him into making up for all your shortcomings this week :)

    I hear ya sista, just got back from my course....only a 3500 word term paper to go....UGH!

  7. Rock that exam... and then pet that adorable Sheltie... You can do it, Sunny!



Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.