
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What the &;^%$#@ Are You Wearing Wednesday!?!?

 There's been a lot of photo enhancement going on over here.
 We've been going through HUNDREDS of baby pictures. All taken in the pre-digital days.
 Does anyone remember those days? Point, click, hope for the best?
 Memories left to chance for most of us?
 Heck, we actually couldn't afford a camera and just bought disposables for most things.
 But after numerous committee type meetings and weeding through stacks of memories, we have our choices narrowed down, and now, through the magic of iPhoto, we're enlarging and sharpening these ancient glossy images.
 We're also turning them the right way, which the &^%$#@ Blogger photo loader refuses to do.
 Until tomorrow, please turn your computer on its side where applicable and enjoy a look back in time at the train wreck of personal attire that has been my family for 20 years.
 It was bad when I forced the minions to wear what I bought them, and it hasn't improved one bit.
 Sam? The guy with the fro? I've never had any contol over him.
(This is, by the way, us within an hour of Savannah being born. On the living room couch. Just like her siblings. Fear me.)
 Yeah, they've always been a trio.
 Sammy's very brief time as an only child.
 Well, they're on a Speeder in the Star Wars exhibit at MGM, so I suppose this could be the right angle.
 Halloween? Nah. This is how I dressed them for school.
 What? You've never tried to get something to eat your child?
 Her first car. And the last one I'm buying.
 Sammy trying to escape. Again
 She wouldn't be smiling if she'd known she was the third kid to wear that shirt.
Early computer hacking. With a Robin Hood hat to look the part.
Okay, back to editing


  1. Thanks, now my neck has a permanent crick in it :)

    I love going through old photos, such wonderful memories. You must have had a blast choosing the one's you want to print.

  2. they are sooo stinking cute :) I love old photos!!

  3. There are some super fun photos in there :) I definitely need to go through my old pictures and have some scanned into the computer.

  4. Um, at least they are consistent?

    The problem with having kids post-digital-camera-era is that now I have about a thousand pictures per month to go through. Times 12 months per year...I may just quit now. :)

  5. I really love seeing your minions as little minions. I desperately need to put a few printed albums together for Miss Josie. Since we came home from China, the poor kid has only been digital.

  6. I thought having my babies in the hospital was scary enough and I was hooked up to happy juice!

    But you - Seriously? The couch?

    I bow down before you....

  7. OH I really need to do this! They are all too precious, your brood!! And I do fear (and greatly admire) you!! Living room couch! Wow!!!!!!!

  8. Good effing job my neck was twisted from attempting to take my picture in that darn mirror anyway, your photos were good for some right belly laughs!
    Get that linky thingy sorted out, woman, and I'll tell you a secret how to upload your brood the right way 'round. Do we have a deal? :D


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.