
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What the &;^%$#@ Are You Wearing Wednesday!?!?

 Fashion is our passion.
Like spray paint and glue.
Like cat torture and dog lifting.
Like teen ridicule and husband haranguing.
Like room decimation and trash rehabbing.
You get it.
 We do it differently.
 Tripps skinny jeans, $11.97 on the Hot Topic Clearance page.
 Valentine's Day socks with sparkle yarn, Target's Dollar Spot.
 Skelanimals earrings in rubber, again Hot Topic. Sponsorship, anyone?
 Rice roll necklace...where the @#$%^& did you get that again???
 Pokemon hat, a Savannah Pritchard-Torres original adaptation.
 Studs, D-rings, zippers and snaps.
 Pink Tank top, Joe Boxer three pack from KMart.
Add it up, and the answer're allowed out of the house like that?

Life in Rehab

 Join's just WEIRD.

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