
Friday, April 22, 2011

Trash Pickin'

We're taking today off from blogging (sorta) because the whole family is home and I have a few things on the project list that need ticking off.
And we'll be back to share what we get done, as always. Because we've found a few things lately for which we have big plans. 
I love free items for decorating, don't you?
And we have neighbors who are renovating...pardon us whilst we skulk.
And as Savannah said scoffingly to a family friend,
"Use it as a door? We're not going to use it as a door! I thought you said you've known Mom for 25 years?"


  1. Enjoy your time off! excited to see what you've conjured up for the door

  2. Can't wait to see what's in store with that door. PS. We're celebrating Josie's open-heart surgery anniversary today. When you want to get caught up in sure to stop by.

    Happy Friday! Happy Weekend!

  3. The kid's clearly a genius... I see a coffee table, headboard, mirror... Okay, time for you to get busy with that so-called door!

    P.S. Thank you SO MUCH for checking on me. You are a great bloggy bff. : )


  4. Ha! That's funny. Looking forward to seeing where that door will end up. I have plans to turn a door into a desk someday, but it's been propped up in our garage for months now...

  5. Hahaha! I can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve for that door! :)


  6. Ron is resisting my roadkill rescue habits. I had him used to it last year. Now I'll have to nudge him again. We passed up a couple things roadside and I couldn't get him to stop. :-) Loved this post. Blessings, Pat

  7. Enjoy your break, although it doesn't sound like you are doing any relaxing. Can't wait to see!

  8. Love old doors ~ I have several in my garden...I wonder what you will be doing with this one, something interesting I suspect.

  9. I can hardly wait to see what that door turns into.

  10. LOL only you Sunny, only you :) Cant wait to see what you'll do with this :)


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.