
Friday, March 25, 2011

Drive By Posting

Mom got out of surgery after 7 hours, and so far, it looks like it was a success.
 she's on a cocktail so potent I would have passed on it in college, but she's resting.
I have oldest son for the morning, so in true strike-while-the-iron-is-hot fashion, Samwow and I are in the backyard adding onto my premeditated raised veggie, herb, and flower bed.
 My evil plan is working.
 See, Mom has a pretty long recovery ahead, but I figured a raised bed would be easier for her to get to, and the raised garden wall I built her last spring requires navigating some serious tree roots. You try that on wheels.
 Plus, I'll be shaking up my color comfort zone here a little, as Mom likes yellows and orange. Intrigued?
 I'm gonna keep a little green in the mix so I don't feel like I fell down the rabbit hole.
And maybe some purple just for fun.
So who wants to join me for a tropical garden reveal on Monday?
What would be nicer than a stop in Kingston to gather sage?
At least in your mind.


  1. Sunny, Im so glad to hear that your mother is doing good after surgery. Here's to a speedy recovery!

  2. Thumbs up to those hospital cocktails if you can take those. I've seen them really work like a charm for some people (not me though...sigh) Give mom my best. You hang in there Girl & you will get through this. Awesome about the free plant bed kit! Big hugs to the minions & feline overlords.

  3. Thanks for the update on your mom. I've been thinking alot about the two of you. Keep the updates coming and have fun playing in the dirt!!

  4. so happy to hear that you mom is doing well. Have fun with your R&R time playing in the garden.(-:

  5. I hope your Mum will be wheeling around again soon! x

  6. Glad to hear that your mom is on the road to recovery. I am looking forward to seeing more the great garden project!


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.