
Monday, February 7, 2011

Spring in a Vase

 I know you're all just sick of snow, so we whipped up a little glimpse of spring that was simple, fun, and made with things we already had or things that were growing in the yard... this lacy fern I can't seem to kill off.
 I cut some long blades of ornamental grass as well, then gathered a clear glass vase, white river rocks, some raffia, and a medium sized shell.

 First, loop the grass and cross the ends.
Tie this off with the red raffia that was missing around Christmas when you needed it.

 Trim the ends of the grasses and the raffia.
 Place your rocks in the vase.

 Place the shell on the, you guys see what I did, right?

Add water.

I like it.


  1. Me too! I love it on your tablescape with all the whites and blues.

  2. Loving the blog changes, btw. Your photos stand out so much more now!

  3. It's sweet and simple and earthy. Love it!!

    I could use a dose of spring here - it feels like spring today, but I know nature's just playing with my head.

  4. I can't wait for Srping to come! I LOVE your lacy fern, by the way, and you've used it perfectly.

  5. Gorgeous! I love it. And I love the peaceful arrangement you have it in! Makes me wish that there was something green and alive around here, too!


  6. Sunny, I just love this. It looks, and please don't get me wrong, a lot like the arrangement I had in one of my fish tanks back in Germany. Gotta love that fuzzy fern, and the almost nihilistic (for rehab standards!) arrangement is wonderful.
    How come your cats don't seem to destroy every green effort in your house within seconds? Heck, mine even kill cactae, what is going on?

  7. Very nice...I like how you added that graphic element by tying the grass. It has a lovely, tranquil asian feel. By the way, I hate that asperagus fern, as pretty as it is here, it is a total garden thug in my garden and impossible to get rid of. It's funny how plants behave differently in different environments.

  8. I have that fern growing in my yard too. It truly is immortal. What a pretty arrangement. I may have to go cut some and give it a try.

  9. Really sweet and light and extra purty! I love the loop feature. amazing photos and glorious tablescape!


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