
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Ye Olde Good Time

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*Cue the lutes*
I'll tell you a tale of the Renaissance Fest, and of the strange things that we sawwwww...
February is next week, a time when our minds turn to thoughts of 
tankards and turkey legs,
beadery and bards,
horned creatures and handcrafts,
minstrels and merriment!
Besides, what woman's figure doesn't look better in a corset?
Don't even get me started on men in tights. 
The South Florida Renaissance Festival is about to kick off.
And we attend in full costume.
 Made by me, I might add.
 Nothing like a man in a kilt...
The whole day is great family fun, and a terrific opportunity for your 
children to participate as knights or princesses.
Or small dogs in fairy wings.
The following photos are from Camelot Days held in beautiful downtown Hollywood Florida in November. 
We refer to it simply as the Discount Ren Fest. It's smaller, the gate is cheaper, and the venders are about half the price of the same merch in February, so we stock up there and shop for Christmas too. Because after all, we are THAT family. World of Warcraft is a budgeted monthly expense.
Some photos will need no explanation...
...while others I'd still like explained to me.
A fine venue to peruse if you're in need of a little traditional Scottish garb.
Fortunately, they're wicked easy to stitch up.
This is not an exhibit. This is a guy in a leather costume treated to look oxidized, and he'd jump to startle any wee subjects that ventured in to poke.
Donations are accepted. Rusted leather is not cheap.
Hair sticks. I love them. And while I thought the skulls were kinda cool, 
I eventually ended up with a pair in blue topaz.
Not your usual cuddly pet.
Glass mushrooms. Do I want some? Nah, I'll just pay you and break them here. Why waste time?
This is one of those times when an explanation would be nice.
Human Chess is purely theater and a blast to watch.
How is chess a blast, you say?
There's taunting and insults to establish the rivalry.
Think "Son of a motherless goat" caliber.
There is of course royalty presiding over the event.

Setting up the chess set is a breeze. It practically does it by itself!
I'll take my king with extra swagger please.

The kids and Sam can usually pick out several classmates and past students in the cast.

When two "pieces" collide on the board, they battle it out in a staged melee
that's intricate and hysterical.

The proclaimed winner gets the square. Relax, there's no death or blood.
Not everyone adheres strictly to period costume. 
Although who's to say when long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away really was?
The rides at the faire are all people powered. 
You could almost stretch to think this is authentic.
This? Not so much.
I'll take the lard platter, please.
Super Size it. And fetch me a wheel barrow.
There are also a lot of cool things to try and to make.

Savannah learned to finger weave and had a fine belt in no time flat.
Now what?
There's no waist on this outfit.
The boys hung out in the Paladin Society's tent and played chess.
They kicked a little medieval tush if I do say so myself.
Ye Olde Hat Head.
Um...still not sure.
And where else can you see a bird of prey demonstration?
Owl never miss it, believe me.
Okay, fine, I'm sorry. Sometimes I can't resist. I won't do it again.
Ye Olde Time Out Methods.
Ye Olde Blind Date.
Ye Olde Shoe Shopping.
Ye Olde Kiss Good Night on the First Date Dilemma.

Ye Olde Guy You're Seated Next to at Your Sister's Wedding.
She wants you to meet a nice man, you're nearly 12. It's time to settle down.

So are you a fan of the Fest?
Do you go in full dress?
Or are you considering a first trip
Just at our behest?
Would you never set foot there if even in jest?
Do tell.


  1. What a day! So many amazing pics! I love the knit belt. You all look beautiful. Ye Olde Hat Head - snorf!

  2. I'm so glad I snuck in some blog time at work today. This post is eye-candy BIG time. Awesome pics. I love everything about it...maybe my Halloween obsession needs to take on Renaissance theme.

  3. You know I've NEVER been to a Rennaissance festival?! My friend's parents own all of the concession stands at the one that you went to, and they were always trying to get me to go. One of these days!


  4. Okay in the first picture of the Viking man I really thought his pants were down around his ankles :0) hahahaha, looks like you guys have a blast though!

  5. You always have fun things to share! That's why I did this....

    I am passing on the Stylish Blog Award to you. You can check it out here, for the rules and an icon you can copy and paste to your blog.
    Here’s what I wrote about you - Sunny @ Life In Rehab: She has a colorful blog and shares a lot of fun projects and funny commentaries.

  6. Wow what fun!! Have never been but we want to try it sometime. Love all the photos!!!! That owl is amazing! I love owls!

  7. Hi Sunny...
    I have never been to a Renaissance Fest, but would love to attend the one we have in Middle Tennessee. Love reliving the occasion with you through your pics and comments. Yes, Viking-Man, it does take all kinds to make the world go round! Ha-Ha!
    Have a great time next month,

  8. I've never been to a Renaissance Festival - it looks like lots of fun! I can't believe the costumes - alot of them are so intricate! (and some are pretty funny... haha!). I think my favorite photo is definitely the pirate(?) with the rat - way cool. I might have to attend one of these sometime!!


  9. This looks like a blast. I have a very good friend who goes gaga for a Man in a kilt:)

  10. This is freakin' awesome!!!! I've only had the pleasure once many moons ago. You get my vote for "coolest family ever" with this. :) Great shots of the birds of prey!

  11. There's one in Ohio that everyone tells me about, now I might just have to go, even if only to see if I see some Star Wars characters!LOL! YOu did Good on those costumes!!!

  12. Looks like fun! Some of your photos remind me of the infamous "People of Walmart" photos that friend email to me!

  13. Hahahaha, ye olde blind date, i nearly fell off my chair!!! As you know, we do attend the fairs and go in full kit. Your fest looks like fun! It reminds me of the Dutch fairs where they're all really relaxed. In the UK they're so wound up on history you'll actually get commented on if your dress isnt accurate (and trust me, they really do...) but it's all good fun in the end. Finger weaving sounds cool! Where is the tutorial? ;)

  14. Sunny, you have got to be kidding me. Owls, rats, kilts and beautiful Maidens, err, Minions in big dresses. I am close to tears for missing out! You Americans put the English to shame, this is so much better than anything I've ever seen around here! Seriously, that grey rat on Gimlis shoulder is just about killing what that owl didn't manage to. Just tell me the fox boot is a fake... right?
    Would you adopt me, puh- leeeeeez?

  15. Ye Olde Blind Date lmao!! It looks like you guys have a great time. They have one kind of like that here, except it's really exclusive. They are so strict, that the costumes must be made of the right materials- nothing modern. Everything must be completely authentic. I personally would prefer something like the one you went to- funnel cakes for all!

  16. We attend one of these in Atlanta in the Spring. Joe looks fabulous in a kilt!

  17. Forsooth! I haven't gone to one in years. Sure did have loads of fun when I went. Loved the booths and the foods and especially the "entertainment" that walked among the patrons.

  18. I've gone a few times and we always have a blast! My uncle lives near a family that makes wooden swords and leather scabbards to sell at these fests. They are so into this kind of stuff that they have actually built a (small) castle on their property and have regular sword fights and battles.

    I love your costumes! The Viking/cave men costumes? Not so much.

  19. Loved your photos :) We went to the GA Ren Faire the year before last (it slipped past us last year), and next time we go i want to go in costume. Bummer we're not closer to you guys, I'd love to go cavorting with you lol. Love your hard were they to make? Any tips?

  20. small dog in fairy wings!? classic!

  21. I love it when you take us along on your excursions via the phots! Makes me feel like I was right there with you! Can't wait to show my 12 yo son the birds...he's an avid birder and especially loves birds of prey and owls!

  22. The Ohio Ren Fest is FAB! The kids go in full gear. Not exactly authentic, but fun nonetheless. Thanks for sharing!

  23. Hey Sunny! I just showed Stewart the bird pics! He "identified" them for me: Red-tailed hawk followed by Great-Horned Owl and then a Peregrine Falcon. He just had the opportunity to see his first live and wild GHO in our woods! Something he's been hoping for for over a year!
    Thanks for sharing them!

  24. You're so awesome. The poem, the humor? Yeah. I heart ren fests, but don't heart the price! But now you're making me hungry for deepfried mac-n-cheese on a stick.

    And why is there always a Storm Trooper at these things!?

  25. My boys would love this! I need to find a local one to visit... I know there is at least one around here.

    Me thinks you all have too much fun:)


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.