
Thursday, December 30, 2010

I Feel Sproost!

I'll admit it. Before the fire, I was in a rut that a lot of parents fall into. My furnishings and decorative elements had been all wicker and light-hearted in the 80's in my single days, and had evolved in the 90's into wipe-clean, round-cornered, easily washable pieces, and all the accessories were 6 feet up or higher. My coffee table centerpiece was a box of crayons. Technicolor bins stashed toys, and at one point, there was a full size plastic playhouse where the TV is now. In the living room. It was the focal point.


Granted, I'd brought in candles and some accents, and I'd recently splurged on a denim slipcovered sectional (when our old slipcovered grouping finally fell apart. As in Sammy went through the couch.), but my style hadn't been defined.

Now, I'm aware that not many people would look at having to haul all of your smoke damaged stuff out of a burned hull of a house as an opportunity, but let me tell you, it was. Flame as catalyst. Archetypal Phoenix rising from the ashes. Reglue, rescrew, redo and renew.

People, what we have here is pure possibility.

I thought it might be fun to see how my style is defined. I've never seen tropical-shabby-beach-eclectic-cottage-hodgepodge-good-God-did-she-paint-it-that-color-on-purpose??? listed as a category anywhere, so I took a quiz. Wanna play along?

Go ahead, it's cool, I'll wait.

Geez, that took you a while, huh? Did you like the results? Were you surprised by your answer?

I wasn't surprised, but it's nice to have a legitimate name for my style! I'm:

Cottage Chic

"Who says that cottages can't be modern and chic? Who says that they have to be floral and cheesy? Not you! You love the carefree spirit that the cottage interior inspires, but you are also serious about your appreciation for modern art and hip treasures. You love old and new alike, and love to highlight them all to expose the uniqueness of each. What better way to show off these treasures than with a light background?"

I'm thinking of getting a tattoo that says that. A tramp stamp perhaps?

My inspiration photos are as follows...

I never actually marked any of the examples as "Love," but my "Likes" made up 
a pattern that scored me thusly:
50%  Cottage Chic
33% Contemporary
17% Rustic Revival
I'm a decorating mutt. Woof. 
And that's just way too much white. I'm spilling cabernet on it in my mind as we speak.
Some things were on the money though.


You have a great sense of humor when it comes to design and even like to make fun of the style itself. Which means that you will throw in a toy boat or a vintage life preserver to keep the mood of the place just like the color: light! The fabrics are natural (cottons and linens) and are light in touch. Much of the furniture is wood or wood framed (the lighter the better, think driftwood!) and as long as it's used sparingly or with modern lines, you even throw in a wicker piece here and there.


Your true inspiration (whether you know it or not) is the sea... the colors found at your favorite beach: white and light beige of the sand, a variety of blues for the ocean and sky, and greens and pale grays of the sea glass... but the key is white! Your space should feel light and airy and give off the mood one has when at the beach: laid back! The key with Cottage Chic is balance; in one corner there could be a rustic wood table that looks like it could have been found rather than made, but it is offset with a modern vase while another corner is adorned with a modern Lucite piece.

Space Planning

The furniture is comfortable and the layout is cozy. The more it encourages intimate gatherings the better! Just watch out for the red wine spills on the new white sofa! (I guess this isn't just an issue with me, huh?) The color throughout is light and airy - and though you love to accessorize with fun colors (the sky's the limit with a white background), the main color seen and felt throughout the house is white or very light versions of colors so that they feel almost white.
Am I reading this right, or did the author just tell me to go and do whatever I want to?
Don't mind if I do!


  1. Very cool quiz. I had close scores with rustic revival and cottage chic. I should make my husband take the quiz too.

  2. I got French Eclectic. w00t! Although it says I use a lot of gold, which I don't, but maybe that's because I'm poor. :-)

  3. It's going to be fab when you are done, but more importantly, it's going to reflect you and your family. Throw rules to the wind and do what makes YOU love it. But I don't have to tell you that LOL

  4. You are so funny. I love your description of your style. Cracked me up. Your home is looking fabulous and I really enjoy how playful it is sometimes, but always lovely. Hugs, Marty

  5. This was fun. Looks like I sould be on vacation all of the time...34% Mountain, 33% Wine Country and 33% Nantucket!

  6. Oh, this was so much fun! The results seemed pretty accurate too. I go 43% Traditional Country, 43% Nantucket, and 14% Rustic Revival. Going to go play some more. Thanks for sharing this!

  7. Oh...this was fun! No surprises, I am French Eclectic. Thanks for a fun way to start the day. Happy New Year.(-:

  8. We have matching styles :) I knew there was something I liked about you lol I loved the bubble (circle, space age...whatever) chair. I've been wanting one FOREVER!! LOL Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  9. That was fun! I am Traditional Country and the description described me to a tee.

  10. How fun! Thanks for the link to this! Turns out, when my kids grow up enough to not break, color on, slobber on, spill on, dent, nick, or scratch everything we own I'll get to design a French Eclectic home!

  11. Hey! I did that a while back and photos 1, 4, and 5 came up for me!! Love those three rooms.

  12. I landed Contemporary (50%) Mountain Lodge (50%). So perfectly me! Clean lines, not a lot of clutter, pops of bold color, and lots of nature stuff! Lots of fun!

  13. I'm tempted to take it again and "Hate" all of the examples just to see what they do with me...

  14. Big surprise for me. I'm CLASSIC! lol!!! I took this awhile ago and I forget what I scored last time.

    I used to have a big wide mouthed jar full of crayons as my coffee table centerpiece too!! :)

  15. I am also a mutt but mine were almost equal. I really think I am Rustic Revival.

  16. I got Cottage Chic as well. And my first thought was exactly like yours: too much white. Most of our furniture is brown and the three teenage boys that inhabit the house still manage to make it all look dirty. I'd love to replace some of the furniture (like the couches with the springs poking out) but seeing as how the boys still have WWF Smackdown on all the furniture every night, I think it's best if I wait until they're 30 or so.

    Love your blog!

  17. I am half Classic and half Wine Country. Guess which one is the most accurate decription of me? ;) I love taking these quizzes....


  18. Another cottage chic. Wanna keep the pooch, hated the saddle. Is it still okay to want to build a giant pirate ship in the kid's room?

  19. Thanks for sharing this! It was a lot of fun. I found out I am "french eclectic". Now if I could only get my house to look like that!


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.