
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Horror of Catmas

 Several people have asked just how we got our Feline Overlords to cooperate with the whole
Santa Hat Photo Shoot thing.
We'd like to point out that "cooperate" is a loose term.
At best.
Things go south fast when you're working with completely egocentric models.


There was also a surprise in my shoe later, several ornaments knocked off the tree, 
and a peacock was attacked and dragged outside.
Retribution is not festive.


  1. hahahahaha! I'm impressed you are even trying this idea! I've owned cats before and could barely get them on board with sitting in my lap to be pet. Hats and bells would be impossible for the cats I've had!

  2. My sister has a cat that looks just like yours and her name is Jasmine, doesn't that sound sweet? Well her nickname is 'Jasmanian Devil' and if we did that to her, bloodletting would be involved!

  3. Ha! That's what you get when you mess with kitties! :)

  4. Your kitties are so freakin' adorable! I love them and these pics. Thanks so much for sharing these gems with us :)

  5. Aw, how cute!! My little fur beasts would not stand this hahahaha

  6. Hee hee hee... LOVE the blurry photos and commentary! :)

  7. Ftt! Fttt! Back away from the kitten. Slowly. Or else.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love Catmas! I must try to get a pic of my feline overlord admiring his tree with his reindeer antlers!!

  10. ...just me again, don't know how I missed this post, maybe it is not appropriate but it gave me my laugh for the day. You just don't fool around with cats! (-:

  11. This is AWESOME behind the scenes footage! I'm showing this post to Emma tonight.

  12. Oh my goodness! I just can't stop laughing! They are something else!

  13. Bwaaaaaaahhahahahahaha I love this blog! :') it makes my day

  14. ROFL and more ROFL! This one cracked me up!


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.