
Friday, October 15, 2010

Top Ten Fresh New Blogs

 Well TGIF, fellow crafters, and it's a seriously gorgeous day down here in paradise! My crew and I have a busy weekend planned with projects, shopping, a little gardening, a jam session for the hubster and his buddies, and a rock concert for the lovely daughter and me to soak in some metal.

You heard me.

But in planning a weekend's worth of fun projects, it's always a good idea to get different perspectives and techniques, isn't it? Not just the same old same old, but stuff with a truly original spin. And with that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to a 10 blogs I've got a crush on this week, and why!

MJ at My Busy Craft Life
does things a little differently. A little wilder. And she makes the most amazing, elaborate costumes for faires and street events!
Pamela at Be Colorful
is just that: she's a great little shot of crazy color, fabulous finds and poignant observations. Read a few posts and see if she isn't talking directly to you.
Jennifer at 1Bella Stager 
is working at rounding up all of the upcycled goodness she can find on the net or around her through great projects and fun interviews.
Virg at Waste Not, Want Knot
doesn't seem to be afraid to try anything, from art with spray painted greenery to building bar stools, and her photography is stunning.
Vonda at Newlyweds and the Old House
has a cool old house to renovate with style. She loves outside input, and she spreads some serious blog love around.
Farah at Craft a World
does beautifully refined and gracious projects with flowers, gardening, and crafts. She also reminds me that we're all very similar no matter where we are in the world- even in Pakistan!
Adrienne at La Vie Quotidienne
has created a captivatingly visual blog with photos that are pure eye candy. Be prepared to swipe ideas left and right.
Heather at Love and Life at Leadora 
showcases her ideas for food, parties, kids, shopping, seasonal decorating, and whimsy all in an 1870's cottage you're going to want for your own. Oh, and she's Adrienne's daughter!
Alaina at Recycled Interiors
upcycles like a pro, thrifts like a maniac, and has a house that will draw you in like a pig knotty pine hug.Go catch some cabin fever.
Jennifer at Southern Inspirations
always has something new up her sleeve that I HAVE to try- right down to slicing up her napping husband's flannel shirts to wrap candles.

There's my recommended reading for this week. Check out a few when you have a chance, say hi, and become a follower if it looks like a possible addiction. And just in case I sound like I think I'm an authority on anything at all in any way, remember:

 THIS is my dog.
God I hope you weren't drinking anything right then.

(Note: Arwen actually has food and skin allergies that simply make her look like a kielbasa rolled in lint. She's on her meds, is horribly spoiled, has the energy of a puppy, and we adore her like you wouldn't believe.
She just, you know, looks like THAT.)


  1. Awww good thing I had swallowed my iced coffee first. She's adorable really!! Sounds like a super fun weekend!! Enjoy. Thanks for the new blogs to peruse.

  2. OH WOW! Thanks so much for giving me a shout out Sunny!! I'm totally excited & honored. I've been trying to push out more projects on link parties to get more traffic. It's almost my 1 year blogiversary but only still 5 followers - a bit sad.
    (PS - I'm trying to pull out a house tour for it, but there is a lot of scanning of the before pics - you know, before digital cameras!!)
    PSS - love the doggie. what a sweetie.
    THANKS AGAIN! Happy Weekend!

  3. Can't wait to check them out :0) I love finding new and upcoming blogs, so it's wonderful you have them all in one handy place!

  4. Oh my, thank you for featuring my blog! As a new blogger it means so much! Love your blog!!


  5. Thanks so much Sunny! I really appreciate you showcasing my blog and my mother's blog! As a new blogger, this is a wonderful compliment! Have a great weekend!

  6. Thanks a lot on featuring me on your blog, its so nice of you Sunny ...
    Thanks a lot
    Love Farah

  7. I crush on Pam at becolorful daily....I'm looking forward to *now* getting something to drink to peruse the rest of your list! Dude, that dog. She's awesome.

    Throw the goats at that concert Momma! MetalMomma!

  8. Gee Thanks, like I didn't already have enough blogs to stalk on a daily basis..Now I gotta go check these out too! *sigh* LOL Have a great Friday :)

  9. Thank you so much Sunny for featuring my blog...and Heather's. I am a relatively new blogger and it is so gratifying that someone likes what I am doing.(-: Now...I need to go check out all these other fabulous blogs you recommended!

  10. Oooh thanx for featuring me! Your comments about my blog make me smile :) 'A little wilder' really hits the mark I guess, hihi *happy blush*

  11. Oh my you did make me laugh! I am going to go visit some of the blogs you suggest.
    I am your newest follower from Follow 40 Friday.
    Peace...Naila Moon

  12. That photo gets me every time, you can't help but love her! I think it is really neat that you are doing your fresh finds blog list.

  13. bless her little heart! she's rough but I'm sure a sweetheart doll!!

  14. That dog is a little heartbreaker! Cute girl she is.
    I follow every blog (minus one) now, one of them on Facebook. Cool choices, Sunny!

  15. Oh my gosh. How fabulous are you? Very! Come on over and we will toast to you. I had several comments on my blog today mentioning that you had sent them there. THANK YOU. I will definitely return the favor. I can't wait to see your other recommends because I always think we like things that we can relate to so if you like it, I'm sure I will.

  16. Muchas Gracias for the super kind shout out! I love your supportive spirit for all of us in blogworld:) It's amazing what we can do when we all encourage each other...may we follow your awesome example in lifting others up.



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