
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No Reply?

Have you ever asked a fellow blogger a question in their comments and wondered why you hadn't heard back?

Yeah, me too. I had asked Yanet at 3 Sunkissed Boys where the awesome antique mall she'd been to was located. She and I live in neighboring towns. We finally connected through email, but she was SURE she had answered me right away.

Then she discovered the problem. My email was coming up in the comments as

I've tried to answer a few comments today, and I've run across the same thing. And if you enter a giveaway, and your email looks like that...

Not to panic! Lindsey at Sweet Simplicity had the answer, and with her permission, here's her tutorial on how to fix that pesky little problem using no power tools or Mod Podge whatsoever.

Because I need help with the technical stuff.

 I LOVE receiving comments! It makes my day to open my gmail account and see an e-mail notification of a new comment. I also love to reply to your comments from my e-mail account. But sometimes when I hit reply instead of seeing your e-mail address I see noreply-comment{at}blogger{dot}com and I can't reply. When I reply to other people I can see their e-mail address and the response automatically goes to their e-mail. This is extremely helpful when people ask me questions in a comment. It is so much easier to reply this way than to have to go to their blog and leave a comment or search for their e-mail address.

If you would like people to be able to email you back after you leave a comment, here's how you change those settings.

1. Click on the Customize link in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
2. Click on the Dashboard link in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
3. Click on Edit Profile, which is on the left hand side of the screen next to your picture.

4. This will take you to the Edit User Profile screen.
5. Look in the Privacy section.
6. Check the box that says, "Show my email address".

7. In the Identity section, enter in an email address.
8. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click on Save Profile.

When you add your e-mail address in the above spot, it does not change the e-mail address that you use to log-in. I'm assuming that most of you have a personal e-mail address and generic blog e-mail address. I entered my generic blog e-mail address in that spot. My personal e-mail address is still where I recieve notifications of new comments and it is what I use to log in to blogger.

Pretty easy!

{you can click on the pictures to make them bigger.}

Easy enough? Check to see how you're coming up and let's all connect!


  1. Thank you!! I'm going to post this over on my blog too if you don't mind!!! I've run across this quite a bit and I REALLY want to reply!!

    I usually try to go back into the post and leave my comment there since I can't email them back directly. But I'm sure I miss some of them.

  2. oh, I thought that you hadn't enabled this feature on purpose. I've wanted to reply to many of your comments, but seriously, it was work to do so :)

    So glad you got this set up.

  3. Thank you for this! I heard about this being an issue, but wasn't really sure what to click / change to make it work! Soo appreciate the step by step How To. I like to be guided by the hand when it comes to techie stuff!
    Yea for connecting!

  4. Erin, go for it! I'd like to wipe this whole mess out, and I'm sure if I was unaware, so are a lot of people.

    Mel, nope, I'm just an idiot.

    Allison, I know what you mean. Drywall is a cinch, but tech stuff has me furrowing my little brow in a vain attempt to understand...

  5. Thank you for this post! It is great to have some clarification, especially for those of us who are relatively new to the blogging world!

  6. Thank you so much! I thought mine was checked for sure and it wasn't..I would of gone on maybe forever and not known. What would we do without you.

    Thank you Lindsey for taking us through this.

  7. I *think* mine works... I may have gotten a reply to a comment I left about your fireplace situation, lol

  8. Yes! I have done the same and unlike regular email you don't receive a note saying it was undeliverable.

    Thanks Sunny!

  9. Thanks for sharing Sunny! It's so much easier when you can just hit reply! I try to track down email from profiles but sometimes I have no luck.

  10. Thank you! I've posted this a few times on my blog, but I feel like there's so many people out there who still haven't fixed it. Good to get the word out!

  11. Thanks! I hope it is helpful to others!

  12. Oooh thank you for this!! Have had such troubles with landing in Spam ALL the time. Hopefully this now a thing of the past!



  13. Thanks, I just fixed mine (I think)! I had no idea it was doing that.

  14. Sunny! Thanks so much for referring me to this post! I had no clue people couldn't respond to me and since I don't post on a blogger blog anymore, but only use blogger as my feed reader and to follow people, I didn't know this for a long long time! Very cool! I am going to include this in my Thoughts on Friday Link Love at a Moderate life this week so more blogger bloggers lol know how to get feedback! Thanks so much again! Alex

  15. I found your blog through the comment you left on mine. Thanks for this tip! I followed the instructions and added my email already :)

  16. Sadly, this didn't fix it- Blogger's all tied up with Google+, on my account. Sorry! Hopefully the comment on your other post will clear this up....


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.