
Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm a Big Fan

19 long years ago, I decorated our master bedroom in burgundy and hunter green. It was 1991, people, don't judge me unless you were there. I chose a stunning brass ceiling fan with red blades. It was bold and very out there.
The problem is, it's still IN there. It still worked, so how could I justify replacing it with so many other expenses? 
Our room is also horribly neglected. It's been largely storage for the past year, which I'm about to remedy big time, but we'll start here:
Let me know when you're done gagging and we'll get on this.
First, for God's sake clean this monstrosity.
Take it apart as you go. Quick tip: if this is your first time disassembling a piece, jot down reverse assembly instructions for yourself. This is a good idea if a project is a little complicated. 
Make sure all the parts are dust and grime free.
Clean the fan blades as well.
 Now comes the fun part. Say good-bye to this brassy mess.
First, prime the blades and allow that to dry. Then give them 2 light coats of gloss white.
Now, meet your new best friend, Rub 'n Buff. I procured mine on line at Art Supplies Wholesale
for $2.87 a tube, and after doing this whole fan, there's a tiny dent in the tube! That's it! It was seriously economical, like under $1. I used the Silver Leaf for this project.
The product is also ridiculously simple to use. You smear it on with your finger. And it washes off of skin with soap and water.
Savannah said it was as much fun as finger painting.
 It dries almost immediately, so we were done in a half hour!
Next, we just took a paper towel to buff up the shine.
Touch up any small details with a Q-tip, then reassemble the fan.
 Hang your baby back where she belongs.
What did that look like 2 hours ago?
And now?
I also strung aqua ribbon on the broken fan pulls and then tied seashells to them.
The shells were already broken and not usable for display, so they were the perfect finishing touch for this.
The finish is so smooth and  looks like brushed nickel. I could not have gotten this result with spray paint *gasp!*
So, got a fan you'd like to love again?
Or something cool but in the wrong metal?
This whole project came it at less than $3 with paint.


  1. Hunter green and burgundy was the thing ...very Home Alone house style, right? I loved it back in the day too!!
    What a transformation on the fan. It is spectacular! I never heard of the Rub and Buff stuff. I must procure some STAT! I still have some de-brassifying to do if you can believe it!

  2. holy cow that's amazing! I stared at the rub n buff in Hob Lob just this past Saturday trying to decide if I should buy it or not. Dangit! I should've picked it up! Just didn't seem like it was going to be a big enough tube for my project! I'm going back today! Thanks for sharing your secret!

  3. Heather, well, brass was the thing! I've spray painted a lot of mine, but the rest will be getting this treatment.

    Allison, that tiny tube would easily have done 5 ceiling fans. It goes a looooooong way!

  4. Looks great, and it's very crisp looking. Love the white - and funny enough - we had the same project this week - come by and see!

  5. Now that is a HUGE makeover. I'm going to have to get some of that Rub N Buff. I bought 2 mirrors for our bathroom reno that have brass but couldn't pass up the price and I have some fans that could use some new life! I hope I can find it around here!

  6. Hey Vonda, I couldn't find it locally; I ordered it at this website:

    Hope that helps!

  7. Very well the shell pulls. i am not telling Joe you re-paint fans. olive♥

  8. That is fabulous! Now about this "rub-n-buff" . . . . does it work on men, too? ;)

  9. Now, that is so clever. I had no idea that rub - n - buff would cover like that. Looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  10. Olive...chicken. But I won't tell him either.

    Jane, it washes right off, or I'd get bronze for Sam.

    Marty, thanks! This was a total experiment, and I'd say a successful one!

  11. Thanks for sharing. I had been wondering about the rub n buff. Did you have to sand it or just right on the polished brass?

  12. That is an amazing transformation! I have never heard of the rub n buff but it is something I will be looking into..I bet it could be used for all kinds of projects. Thanks!

  13. Hi Tru, it went right on the brass! This was unbelievably quick and easy.

  14. Hi Sherri, I have a ton left over (I ordered 2 tubes to be safe, and I hardly even dented the first tube!), so I'll be looking for more fun things to use this on! Let me know what you do.

  15. Very cute! I can't believe that is the same fan. I applaud you willingness to re-do! I would have declared it 'buy a new fan' time!

  16. WOW! It doesn't even look like the same fan! What a difference! Kudos to you on the white and silver. LOVE that it only cost 3$. Niceee. :)


  17. Oh my mom so had hunter green and burgundy going on in her house too! Painting my fan is on my list of "to do" Yours looks really good! Fabulous job!

  18. Meg, it has to be dead, dead, dead before I'll replace it. Glad you like it!

    Chelsea, nothing like a cheap makeover, huh? *wink wink*

    Haley, thanks! I'm waiting for the day when I look around and scream, "Black and aqua? What was I thinking?!?!?!"

  19. What? Hunter green and burgundy are out??? :)

    The fan looks great, Sunny. I've got a little brass around here too... you said they have bronze too?

  20. Hi Heather, I'm afraid we have to let go. My first step was throwing out my sunflower slipcovers.

    The samples of Rub 'n Buff color choices are right here:

    Have fun!

  21. Looks great! I love it!

    I've been dying to do this with my fans too. I think the task sounds worse than it really is!

  22. Hi Lisa, this was easy, really. The thing that took the longest was waiting for the fan blades to dry.

  23. Great re-do; thanks for sharing! It looks amazing.

  24. Has anyone ever tried the rub n buff on door knobs? Is it durable?

  25. Tru, we're trying it on the handles of the dresser we're redoing, so we'll let you know if it's just decorative or if it can take some punishment!

  26. Fabulous makeover!! Your fan looks amazing. Love how modern and sleek it looks!

  27. Your fan turned out great! I have a few fans in my house that could use this treatment- thanks for the tutorial.

  28. Excellent idea! We have a fan that could use some sort of make over. I've thought about replacing it, but now I think I might just re-make it. Thank you for posting your tutorial.

    Stopping by from Made by You Monday to say hi & check out your creation :)

  29. I didn't know rub-n-buff covered that well. Great job!!!
    Visiting from Get your Craft on Tuesday party!

  30. Much improved! Thanks for linking up to the Mad Skills party!

  31. WHAT?! that is the same fan?!? i am DEFINITELY going to have to attempt this! my house is currently home to SIX ceiling fans, none of them particularly attractive in their current state.

  32. This is exactly what I needed I've fliped my fan blades and changed the globe but the brass was still there this is perfect thanks!

  33. AWESOME ! ! ! I have three brass ceiling fans in my house that despirately need this treatment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  34. You did a super job on the fan. It really takes some amazing skills.

    Noticed you have a giveaway. Pleae stop by and link it up at our Giveaway Friday party. Jane F.

  35. I have got to get some rub n buff!!

    Your fan looks amazing~totally updated and so much prettier!

  36. We did a fan makeover last year...amazing how such a simple change can make such a huge difference! Yours looks AWESOME! Great job!

  37. W-O-W!!! It looks brand new now! And the rub n buff, that looks like some seriously cool stuff. Thanks for sharing!

  38. OMG! I can't believe I'm not the only one who's fan looks like that (I'm generally opposed to dusting...its a lifestyle works) You GO girl, that thing looks AWESOME now! Thanks for linking it to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  39. OMG! I HAVE to do this to my boyfriend's ceiling fan. It's already painted white, but rub n buff looks like a miracle. None of his light fixtures match in the open living room/dining room area and this looks like a solution, at least until we can replace some of them!!!

  40. Wow. Dusty! Great re-do! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  41. visiting from - I think this has finally inspired me to buy some rub'n buff! I have LOTS of brass in my house, adn was thinking of changing out some light fixtures. This might solve it though!

  42. wow, i love that, and would never have thought of the rub n buff. i would have immediately gone the spraypaint route, but this seems to have been easier and a heck of a lot cheaper! thanks for the heads up. i am so thrilled for your new look, it looks a million times better! good for you.

    coming over from fun to craft

  43. Thanks for linking up, Sunny. I'm gonna have to find some of that Rub 'n Buff, for sure, since hardware and lighting are so-stinkin'-expensive!


  44. wow, nice job!! I'm really impressed!!! We've got a a HUGE fan in our foyer that is SCREAMING for a makeover but I hadn't the foggiest of how to change it. Perhaps this is my answer!!

    Here from Tidymom, happy friday!

  45. Very nice! I have to get me some of that Rub n Buff!


  46. Holy. Crapoly. I hadn't actually looked at this post earlier (or seen the fan after it was done apparently >.>;; ) so just... woah. /Dayam/ we done goodly! The fan went from .... so much 'ew' to looking all futuristic and stuff!

    Now we just have to make the rest of the room look like that.

    Rub 'n Buff = magic.

  47. Good for you! It look brand new!

  48. Wow, what a transformation. Great job. thanks for linking up.

  49. Wow! What a difference. It looks wonderful. I love the pull.

  50. This is EXACTLY what I needed for an old fan in the dining room! Thanks much...Happy AlphabeThursday!

  51. Wow. I now feel very motivated to dust my ceiling fans. I'm going to look for that Rub n Buff the next time I'm at Michael's though! There's a lot of ugly brass around here.

  52. Zounds! (I wanted to say wow, but One mama already did.)

    That is pretty cool.


  53. Great transformation! Haven't tried the rub n' buff yet but I'm truly tempted to!

  54. That is amazing! I think I have one of those that could use a makeover.

  55. Wow, that was cheery! Like the sea shells on the draw strings. Great idea. Thanks for sharing.
    Best wishes,

    Sara Cat's B-post (JennyMatlock)
    Anna's B-post (JennyMatlock)

  56. Wow. I never knew you could re-do a fan to that level.

    It looks brand new. And amazing.

    You are really, really clever.

    Thanks for this beautiful link on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday.


  57. Use a sealer on the rub-n-buff, and that will make it wear better on any kind of knob. I LOVE rub-n-buff, you can make a lot of differant surfaces look metalic.;)

  58. Looks great. I've been researching the R&B for my brass fan too.


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