
Saturday, August 14, 2010

House Tour: Pet Feeding Station

Let me preface this by saying I'm waiting until the weather dips down into the 80s to paint. With that being said:
In a small alcove off the kitchen that leads into the laundry room, I decided to corral all things related to our horde of creatures. A simple $40 steel shelving system from Target fit the space perfectly, and gave us room for treats and canned food on the top level. I then popped in two drawer units to hold grooming supplies on the left and clean bowls on the right. A couple of tiles left over from the flooring project provide a perfect perch for the Feline Overlords' troughs dishes, well out of canine reach. Underneath are snap lock bins for dry food and a watering dish with a reservoir resting on a slap of marble (I'm totally weird about the new floors, really). Lastly, a raised feeding dish for the pups, who are both 8 and don't need the strain of getting to the floor for a bite. S hooks to the left of the unit keep leashes and show bags in order.
Because Mom's dog is an AKC registered agility champion.
Mine is a big semi-hairless spoiled mutt.

For some other ideas, go check out what Jane at The Borrowed Abode did with hers. We were evidently on a wavelength last week!


  1. So funny, I just logged on (sloooowly) from the woods to write a post on my pet feeding station! And it's very similar to yours!

  2. Great idea for the feeding station. We just may put some of this to use as our dog likes to get in to the cat's food and this might stop that...Thanks!

  3. Great idea to centralize... we have cat food in the shop, dog food in the hall closet, leashes by the front door, grooming supplies in the family room, etc.... I am liking your consolidation!

  4. hey, I just reviewed the contestants and winner of the "ugliest lamp contest" and thank you SO much for the wonderful start of my day. I sent my son and his wife the site and the challenge that if this contest happens again, (and you know it should), our family honor must be upheld. WE have the ugliest lamp. It belonged to my MIL and when I divorced, her gracious son let his son and his wife have it. She has a great tradition of exchanging the tackiest Xmas gifts with her friends, so I knew it was going to a good home.
    OMG, the sad thing is, those things were bought because someone LIKED them. I know. I used to work in a lamp store. During the early 70's. People would come in and ask what kind of lamp would go with shag carpet, purple velvet chairs and such. It was a hoot, let me tell you. Cherubs were big as was wrought iron. Oh, the pictures in my mind, they are burned there forever.
    Thanks again!

  5. This really works out well and fits that spot just perfectly. I may do something similar. Only have that last shelf higher so I can slip Henry's raised feeding bowls underneath. OR, I want to reconfigure a cabinet that has crap thrown in and retrofit it for a pull out trash. Then make another door on the opposite side of the peninsula to access the space in the lost corner. And use the new area for dog stuff. That was all probably way more than you wanted to know right?

  6. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I love doing the giveaways so there will be plenty of others for you to enter in. Hope your mom is doing better.


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.