
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Homemade Decoupage Medium!!!

We made some! It was either that or skip the next mortgage payment!
Savannah was very excited with how well our knock off worked! Did she take pictures of how to make it?
That's okay, you don't need them. This is a cinch.
You will need:

White school glue.
A jar with twice the volume of your glue
Yeah, that's it

Squeeze the glue into the jar. Fill the glue bottle with water. Seal and shake. Now squeeze that watery stuff into the jar. Seal and shake. Is it completely blended?
Go decoupage something.

Take advantage of the Back to School Sales!


  1. Wow! That is great! I love this kind of hint. Do you think the real product is made of the same stuff? Thanks for the $$ saving info.

  2. Sherri, I do! We just did 3 projects with it, and they turned out perfectly. We wanted to test it first to make sure. It came out to like 1/7th of the price!

  3. You know, I had never heard of it before I started blogging. But after reading SO many posts I went out and got some. I've used it for a couple of things now and it rocked how well it worked. But to be honest I thought the price was steep!!! Maybe I'm one the cheapest people on the planet though (that's what my hubs says)....I will be trying this out very soon!! Thanks!

  4. I totally know this will work cause I've used it before! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Very good! I have always wanted to make those decorator decoupage plates... now I am one step closer:)

  6. Doh! I just bought some today for a project. Could have saved a lot of money if I had come here first.

  7. THANK YOU for posting this! I've been going through MP like crazy lately!

  8. OMG, me too! I've been picking it up every craft store hit. It had to be stopped.

  9. I wondered if you were sending those Mod Podge execs on some fancy vacations with all you've been using!! yay for a homemade version. I saw Glitter ModPodge at Michael's today. Have you tried that ?

  10. I went to the Elmer's glue website and they actually tell you how to use their glue for decoupaging. So you betcha I've been using the school glue on sale rather than the expensive Mod Podge stuff. I've been using tons of the glue, glad it's so cheap!

  11. Wow, that is brilliant! I had to wait until Christmas to get my Mod Podge because I couldn't justify spending that much on something like that, but now I can Mod Podge to my heart's content! Thanks for the brilliant tip!

  12. Lol... this is all I've ever used! Mod Podge is to expensive. The funny thing is I learned this trick in middle school making papeer mache! :)

  13. Does it give a glossy finish or matte finish? This is so awesome!

    1. Usually just a matte finish.

    2. Use a tbsp varnish to make it glossy.

  14. I know we just met and all, but I love you...
    I found you via Pinterest (you're trending!) and just had to say thanks. Some ideas I don't mind just looking at and using, but ones this good, I would be ashamed if I did not show the proper gratitude for it. {:

  15. Awesome... thanks going to give it a go?

  16. I found you via pinterest! I shared your post on my FB page. I'm so excited to try this because I just cannot get the past the price of MODGE PODGE. Thanks so much!!!

    -Maria @ Love & Sugar Kisses

  17. Sweet. Just like for paper mache'. Now if I could just figure out how to make the Matte finish stuff, I'll be set!

    1. try adding some water base varnish in flat semi gloss or gloss depending on your sheen desired

  18. A little FYI, both "real" modge podge & the DIY version can actually be watered down further too.
    Two parts MP + one part water
    For DIY, you can go as much as two parts water + one part glue, instead of one part each.
    This is useful when you want to stick stuff down then seal later, save the thicker version for the final sealing step. water it down while you are just adhering things.

  19. thanks so very much!! genius. oh, and I also came over by way of Pinterest.

  20. I tried this, and used it as a sealer for paper on a resin finished product. I am happy to say that it worked a treat. Thank you very much for sharing Donna (Altered Image Studios) NZ

  21. Thanks for posting this! I also found you via Pinterest. I will also be buying the school glue from now on.

  22. ROFLLLLLLL---does this take me down memory lane!---why spend a bunch of hard earned money when you can make it simple!---TFS!

  23. You might want to be careful if you're doing something that will be around for a long time. Modge Podge is acid free, so it won't yellow or deteriorate what's under it. Elmer's glue can develop a yellow tinge after a while.

  24. Thanks so much off to make some mod podge ( I had avoided it too because of the cost) Also found you via pinterest

  25. I found you via pinterest as well. Making my sister some newspaper cartoon covered flats that called for mp... thanks for the tip - saved me some money!

  26. I've been thinking what mod podge was since I've been seeing it as something to use for the DIYs at I know! thanks!

    c5 @ Global Recycled Products

  27. Thank you from the bottom of my cheap heart!

  28. And to think I just threw away two huge containers of glue because my classroom moved and I had no place to store it!!

  29. Thanks for this! So simple!

  30. THANK YOU!!! I actually found you bec this was on Pinterest. I do a blogpost on Saturdays sharing different cool things I have come across that week. This Saturday I'll be sharing a link to this post on your blog :)

  31. Thanks for the great tip! I've never stopped to think of any alternatives for MP which is just crazy because I use it all the time! I cannot wait to give this a try.

  32. So glad I'm not the only one who uses this! Here in the UK Modge Pod costs about £19, roughly $30!!! No way in heck would I ever pay that kinda money!

  33. I use this all the time. It's also a great alternative to paste when doing Papier Mache. This stuff goes on just as well but dries in a fraction of the time (depending on how much water you add. Less water = faster drying time). It also dries harder than paste so you won't need as many layers.

    I would suggest a 1:2 ratio of water to glue if using this mix to papier mache :) Hope this helps!

  34. get a gallon of the glue from discount school supply - it will be even Cheaper! what fun - thank you!

  35. Thanks for the fab tip. May I just ask a stupid question though... Is school glue the same as PVA glue, sorry I'm from the UK so need to check!

  36. Shut your mouth! That's it??! I cannot wait to try this when I get home!! Love it!

  37. Thanks I have been looking for a cheap way to do this.

  38. Sorry if this is a repost, blogger playing up! Saw you on pinterest, great idea! Now google following you, Karima x

  39. I figured this out last October when I wanted to Decoupage a pumpkin with my students. Thanks for this because it will come in handy with back to school projects. :)

  40. I sell my decoupaged items on Etsy and this is all I use - diluted Elmers.
    However, to seal items, I use waterproof varnish from Michaels or Hobby Lobby. Costs about $4 with a coupon.

  41. in the uk we call it pva or white school glue pound shops sell as do hardwear shops i have all ways done it this way thanks for shring

  42. This is good information. I've tried it and it DOES work.

  43. Thank you!!!
    I have always waned to Modge Podge something. Anything. But have never bought any because of the price!
    I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next few weeks...months...

  44. Sista, for a gal on a budget with an itchy crafting finger, you're a breath of heaven. Rock the thrift - thanks so much!

  45. You're da bomb! Glad you're in rehab and sharing the tips you learn ..... Happy Crafting!

  46. Okay, I just came across this post via Pinterest... I have come across your fabulous blog before and loved it but now I am absolutely hooked and a more than a little disappointed I hadn't checked out your blog more! Have always wanted to do the Modge Podge but have baulked at how much the stuff costs here in Oz (not sure if its cheaper over there) but am now definitely off to the discount store to stock up on white glue! Thank you, Thank you... I may now discover a new crafting addiction! Will be definitely following you about now!
    Stop by and say hi if you get a chance!
    The Spangler @
    The Quick Unpick

  47. thanks so much for sharing this tip. i too, avoided mod podge because of the cost. found you via Pinterest.

  48. I pinterested you too! This blog looks awesome. Thanks for the tip! I'm going out right now to buy some back to school glue!

  49. Wow, thanks for the great tip! I have some elmer's glue in the garage... guess what it's turning into?

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  50. Awesome! Thanks so much- I always wondered what was different between the elmers and modge podge!

  51. OMG!! I am so excited about this. I quit doing projects with Mod podge because it is so stinking expensive. I will buying glue tomorrow!!

  52. I just bought some used canvas at the thrift store and was going to buy Mod Podge to put our family pics on with. This tip could not have come at a better time. Grazie!!!!!

  53. I have been buying modge podge for years, my grandmother got me hooked. This will mark the end of a tradition for sure! I will start a new one of making my own. Thanks for the great tip!

  54. Has anyone used this with photos? I'm doing a project with photos onto wood blocks...would it be ok?

  55. I've done this before and it works well for a matte finish.
    Do you know how to make cheap mod modge that is truely GLOSS?

    1. I wonder if you added Perfect Pearls if it would glossin it up?

    2. Someone above ^ said to add a tablespoon of varnish for gloss.

  56. Fantastic! I just found a new project that I need modge podge for! Thank you!

  57. I found you on pinterest, too. Donna from Funky Junk posted this on her craft board. I'm follower of your blog now! Thanks. (

  58. Great tip! I was just about to return some glue to go buy some ModgePodge because I was worried that the watered-down glue wouldn't work. So glad I saw this blog posting in time! Can't wait to try it!

  59. Thanks we used to make this when I was a kid. Now tell me how to do the water proof kind.

  60. You can water down the Mod Podge and it will last longer. I like Mod Podge because it is shiny when it dries. Elmers isn't.

  61. Great tip! I'm linking this to my blog, It works great!

  62. before school starts, you can buy bottles of glue (elmers) for $0.01 each! I picked up 25 bottles! So cheap! I've used this before, it works great!

  63. If you want to get really cheep and messy you could make a decopage glue:
    1/4 C sugar
    1/4 C flour
    2 C water

    boil on a low heat, stir well till there are no lumps (I use an egg whisk), boil till clear. store in a jar with a tight lid, in a cool place. will keep longer in the frige. I've read that you can add 1/4 tsp oil of cinnamon as perservative.
    I use this with my kids and it works great for all kind of decopage projects.

  64. Is it supposed to be runny? I did what it says but it doesn't seem to be sticking as well (I am using it on wood). I would also like to learn how to make it glossy for the finish. Thanks!

    1. i cut the water portion down and added water until i got the thickness i wanted ..

  65. I saw another recipe where you add 1 tablespoon of clear varnish to the 1:1 ratio to make it a glossy finish.

  66. I've tried this recipe. I have to say I wasn't satisfied with the consistancy. The glue recipe was much thinner than the real stuff and it didn't have the shine. To save a bit of cash, I do use the homemade version to initially glue down the project but use the real stuff for the next 2-3 coats. Just my preference.

  67. It's a cute concept for projects you don't plan to keep but I have heard that over time the things peel and yellow. There are components in mod podge that aren't in just plain glue. I will use it for smaller projects but I will def be sticking to the real stuff for bigger things. :)

  68. Isn't Modge Podge supposed to be water resistant? Hence we can use it on things like coasters? Isn't Elmer's glue washable? So would it still work for tile coasters? Please clarify if anyone knows. Thanks!

  69. If you add the clear varnish, would that make it glossy as well as waterproof?

  70. this is fine for kids art for fun - but real things you want a nice finished look to last , I'll stick with the real thing thanks .

  71. yes it does work just as good as the other however i read somewhere the projects don't last as long because there's a sealing agent in the original mod podge to help protect it .. so if you use the home made maybe try sealing it with a clear overcoat for longer lasting protection :)

  72. wow, just found you via Amanda Lake on Pinterest. Can I use the magic potion on fabric as well? fabric on fabric and fabric on paper?

  73. also just found you via a link on Pinterest. Loved what you said about throwing stuff out....i have a degree in "possibilites". Where are you in FL?

  74. Do you think if Perfect Pearls was added it would make it Glossy?

  75. is this safe for pictures?

    1. Hi I used Modge Podge on pictures and it did not work. The pictures actually cracked like glass and were easily wiped off with tissue. I mean the whole picture came off.I am trying to find out if I did something wrong.

    2. If you are using an inkjet printer your ink will do that. I found that if I spray a clear acrylic sealer on picture before I mod podge it won't do that otherwise if using pictures have them printed wherever you get your picturs done

  76. I also just found you via Pinterest. Thank you for a great idea. Also thanks to the person above who recommended a tablespoon of varnish to make it glossy...I'm going to try it tomorrow!

  77. I came by the way of Pinterest too. In the UK PVA glue diluted is what I use... but beware, PVA comes in two varieties, waterproof and not waterproof. White school glue here is of the non-waterproof variety, and it is not as durable as the other type - and if you dilute it, it becomes very much weaker. I always use the waterproof for anything important I am working on. I don't know whether it is acid free... if Modge Podge is, then that would be an important benefit of using the real stuff, or anything that you hope will turn into an heirloom.

  78. I have a question if someone could please help me out with this. I cut photo pictures out and put them on letters that spells family. I added Modge Podge over some of the pictures to preserve them. Well, they crackled like broken glass. I thought maybe the Modge Podge would peel did with the actual picture. What did I do wrong? Can Modge Podge be used on photo's. Thank you!

  79. Cool. Read all FB and got some valuable information . Thanks

  80. I used it on a dry mounted picture,the picture needs to be dry mounted so it does not bend.Then I took a stiff brush and put it over the whole picture.Do it all different directions to get good brush marks ,let dry and do another coat in a all different directions again.When it dries it will give a canvas texture looking picture! WORKS GREAT!

  81. With 76,000+ views, this thing has gone viral! Thank you everyone for the additional input, and remember, I can't answer any of your questions if you're Anonymous or a No Reply, although I'd love to.

  82. ok... so I skimmed about half of the comments... and I know I probably sound like a dummy when it comes to this (I've never used mod podge before) but if I wanted to put scrapbook paper letters on (dry) painted wood, would this work?

    1. Since your comment was right above mine, I'll take the liberty of replying. Yes, that's exactly the kind of project these type of products work for. Coat your smooth, dust free wood surface with product, place your letters, brush more product on top. Work flat to prevent runs.

  83. LOL! "What's not falling apart is being actively destroyed". That so describes my home, my life. Ageing animals, teenagers, friends of teenagers, termites, sea air, yup, that's us. Bless Our Mess.

  84. Wondering, is this waterproof? I am in need of some waterproof mod podge. Do you know how to make waterproof?
    Thanks, Jen

  85. Sunny, Pretty soon you should give all the readers of your blog the HEADS UP about buying and stocking up on SCHOOL GLUE! I know school is not OUT yet, but before we know it SCHOOL SUPPLIES will be on the shelves for BACK TO SCHOOL... that is when you do your MAJOR STOCKING UP on School Glue...sales at major retailers (WALLY WORLD, Walgreens, and so on allow you to SAVE EVEN MORE! I don't BUY MP and I neveer pay full price for SCHOOL GLUE! I buy enough to go a year. After all, it does not need to be refrigerated!

  86. Does tacky glue work for this project?

  87. Decoupage is one of my favorite ways to spruce up a piece of furniture that can't be sanded down to something better. This is one of the products out there too!

  88. This is a fantastic idea,will it work to color jars with it and food dye?

  89. Great idea thanks for sharing ..I will try this!!

  90. thanks so much for this post! i found it through pinterest. i've only used it for one project so far, but it worked great! (and i gave you and the other blogs i found this recipe on credit of course:

    i can't find mod podge in italy where i live, so i plan on using this version a lot! thanks again! :) lisa

  91. Realmente es cierto, yo soy de Argentina, aqui no hay Mod Podge. Siempre usamos esa mezcla de cola escolar y agua para todos los proyectos de decoupage, funciona perfectamente y dura atraves de tiempo sin modificarse. Sobre el trabajo terminado utilizamos un barniz con acabado brillante, mate o semimate segun lo que necesitemos. Saludos!!

  92. Yes, this will work if your art project will be displayed INSIDE, but if you want to be able to place it OUTSIDE, such as painted rocks in a flowerbed, you will need to buy the real stuff. 1/2 Glue and 1/2 water works great for paper collage, tissue paper painting, paper mach'e, decoupage, etc but it will dissolve in the rain. Hope this helps before you have a melt down project. :)

  93. Even if you use a decoupage medium designed for the outdoors, I always recommend a couple of coats of outdoor clear sealer to weather proof it, so I HAVE used my recipe outside. I'd never trust a project I'd put time into to just decoupage; sealer insures your handiwork will be enjoyed for years to come.

  94. thank you for the very good adice. I love to save money and cant afford mod podge but now I can experiment doing various craft ideas without feeling Im wasting the little money I do have. Great looking out for us less fortunate but creative minded crafters

  95. We used this mix at a church event.. 3 years later and the craft made is still in perfect condition. It works well and lasts :) No worrying about something that might work for the short term and fall apart later.

  96. **** DOES ANYBODY KNOW how to do the DYI version of MATTE FINISH of Mod Podge? ***

  97. Hello Redhead, i am from Holland, i am sick at home, sins i found You
    not boring any more, Love your site.
    Love from LINA

  98. Hello Redhead,
    I'm also from the Netherlands, and also a crafty person.
    I'm using Pinterest too, and I'm very glad I found your site, I added it to my favourites...
    We can buy modpodge here also, and overhere is it really thanks a million!!!

    Love, Annet.

  99. Thanks for the tip! Been using your method for months! Linked you on my blog!


  100. Hmmm... I have been told the glue mixture will crack and yellow in time... Plus do not use it for puzzles... Good for some things!

    Mod Podge will not crack or yellow over time and is perfect for mounting puzzles...
    ~ A woman only uses this on puzzles, said the glue mix did not hold up...

    Anyone have pieces in to years to verify all this?

    ~ Christie

  101. Hi Christie,

    I have used this for every project I've decoupaged since I first made it, and the results have been just as good as the store bought stuff. I can't speak for puzzles however, they are not my thing. Hope it helps!

  102. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  103. I've never done any projects with Mod Podge for just this very reason: it's SO freaking expensive!! You are a gem for posting this and I can't wait to finally get to try some of the projects I've seen on Pinterest!

  104. This is the greatest! My bad habit... I let my Mod Podge dry up and and become a Mod Podge rock, Now I can use this. Thanks!

  105. Thanks for the tip!!!

  106. I had learned this trick a while back but I have found that over time...original mod podge holds up better in different environments...just thought I would share my experience...

  107. Does this work over a photograph? will it discolor the picture?

  108. Hi Vickie, I'm glad you have an email address so I can reply!

    I have tried this recipe over scanned copies of photos, and it works wonderfully, but I've never tried an actual photo. I think that may be because I'm a coward from the expensive film generation. If you get up the nerve to try it, please come back and let us all know the results. I still ALWAYS recommend a scan over a treasured photo though. Hope it helps!

  109. Wow. I'm so glad I found this. Haha. Thank you! Save some money.

  110. Hi, just wanted to know if you can use this application on fabric covered wood? I will be covering a circle of plywood attached to a 'Lazy-Susan' disc which will go on my round dining room table. Thank you! ~ Corinne

  111. Hi, just wanted to know if you can use this application on fabric covered wood? I will be covering a circle of plywood attached to a 'Lazy-Susan' disc which will go on my round dining room table. Thank you! ~ Corinne

  112. Does this work for image transfers to wood

  113. I am new to the internet I,ve just found you through Pinterest via my lovely daughter. I feel all warm inside. I didn,t know so many people do craft work. Love Moira

  114. Thank you for saving $$$ for someone already on a low budget, I greatly appreciate it! Is it just me or are there some paid trolls on your site insisting that Mod Podge is the only way to go...I am so grateful the internet exists and ordinary people can freely share ideas, it is great...


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