
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Top Ten Names I Did NOT Give My Blog

I knew it had to happen.
Someone finally emailed suggesting I change the name of my blog to something more family friendly.
She said she was a daily visitor, LOVED my projects, thought I was funny, but she just couldn't bring herself to put my button on her blog for fear people would get the wrong idea.
And I understand. 
I had friends who tried to talk me out of it too.
At the end of the day though, I like my theme. And seriously, when your before photos look like this...
Well, let's just say this was no quick coat of paint remodel.
Besides, it could have been worse. Here are the other names I was considering:

1. They're Hairy and They Smell. The kids took offense to this. So did the husband. The dog was in full agreement.
2. Does This Look Infected to You? I suspected I'd have even less readers.
3. It Lives in My Closet. Thank God the doctor took me off of those meds.
4. What Middle Age Looks Like on a Bad Girl. This one was close.
5. Things You Can Make Out of Cats. Hey, the supplies would be free. But they were uncooperative.
6. You Can't Use Hot Glue For That. The experiments got out of hand, unfortunately, and again the cats were uncooperative.
7. Inedible Things You Can Eat. Everyone was uncooperative.  
8. Gardening with a Blow Torch. No, that's NOT how the fire started.
9. Where Should We Bury That? I'd prefer there was no Internet proof.
10. Spiders, Lots of Them. I got the first post done and threw up a little in my mouth.

Welcome to Rehab.


  1. I think you made a good choice - I personally think it's genius!! : ) I visit you in rehab all of the time & proud of it! happy wednesday

  2. I LOVE your name and am proud to follow you ! :o)

  3. You're not supposed to be funny before I've had my first cup of coffee, I start laughing all crazy and the kids think I've lost it.

  4. OMG!! They are all perfectly hysterical ~ keep it real sister.

  5. I just might have to steal one or two of those for a blog!!!

    My html is messed up! Thanks for adding whatever you do. I appreciate it!

  6. Hilarious! Love it. And I think your blog name is unique and original - and entirely fitting. :)


  7. I love the current name, though I cracked up at No. 5.

  8. Well, thanks to this post, I've officially started following your blog. Too funny, lady!

  9. I lover a good nutter, and you are right up there :)

    Life in Rehab is perfect, just as is.

  10. Don't kick me outta blogland, but I think family-friendly can be a little overrated (& no one can agree on what it means anyway) - there I said it (am I gonna get in trouble?).

    Even so, I love your theme. Don't judge a book by its cover and all that :) Don't change a thing Sunny! You're my bit o' sunshine everyday!

  11. I had the BEST time coming up with these, chuckling gleefully at how wrong I COULD have been...

  12. Yay for Rehab! Sometimes I wish I had the guts to be a little more "real" in my posts- why oh why did I have to tell my family and co-workers about it?? hahaha

  13. That's so funny because I've never actually though of that rehab when I've read your blog title. I guess my head is just so stuck in home remodeling that "rehab" says, "fixing a house" to me!

  14. Don't change your blog name!!! I do like your alternate names though - ha! In the end, it's YOUR blog and you can call it whatever you want to!

  15. This is my first time here and I like the name. I just had to click to see what it was all about with a name like that ....and that's what you want right? Make people curious enough to click on over and read your blog. The only other name I could think of was "Craft to stay out of Rehab" "How to stay out of Rehab" "The Cat Lady & Things to Make with Fur balls"

  16. Pshhh, whatever. I agree with Christin, family-friendly is overrated, love your name. Although I REALLY wish you would have named it "Things You Can Make Out of Cats." That one had me rolling over here!

  17. Great names! But aside from things you can make out
    of cats, I'd have to agree that Life in Rehab is a
    terrific fit. Thanks for the laugh.

  18. It really is the best of your names. I really enjoyed reading the also rans.

  19. I love the name of your blog. It's a cute play on words and makes me smile....

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Frankly, I happen to like the name of your blog. The other ones were actually way cool, too, but your current one is self-explanatory.

  22. Your name is wonderful and so is your sense of humor.

  23. I actually love the name you have now ... i have always found it clever & tres original!!!

  24. What a great J post. Made my day!

  25. You blog name is just fine, it's your choice, and boy did you have some interesting choices! Too funny!

  26. Thanks for the funny, funny stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "J". I like your blog name that you have, too.

    You have such a great sense of humor.

    It always give me such joy to come here.

    Thanks for linking.



Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.