
Friday, July 23, 2010

Sneak Peek: Weekend Preview

Happy Friday, Everyone!

As most of you know, I'm in South Florida, and if you've been watching the news, you may also be aware that we're having a tropical storm this weekend. Not to worry! I have some great projects planned for a cozy couple of days indoors, so pop over to Chateau Inferno for a little monsoon rainy day fun.

On the menu:

1. An desktop electronics corral made from recycled boxes
2. Custom switch plate covers
3. A heated dog bed
4. Small step organizing
5. 10 minute pillows
6. The perfect personalized Christmas gift for grandparents

Are you game?


  1. Oh my goodness!I'd like a heated bed. Do they come in big-girl sizes???

    Do you lose power often in the storms? We usually do which can be a challenge. I hope you all stay safe and dry!

    Can't wait to see all of your projects.


  2. Oh, those lovely tropical storms/hurricanes. Brings back good memories. I remember once (my 14th bday) there was a hurricane that blew through for 3 days (Erin, I think). We always lost power, and this time was no exception. All our relatives from the coast came to stay with us (since my parents' house is inland). I remember sitting in the dining room as my relatives all sang me "Happy Birthday" in the candlelight, all of us sweating profusely in the hot, humid house. The cake was baked at the neighbor's house, who had power. The upside? There was no school on my bday. The downside? There was nothing to do, either. LOL

    Sounds like you've got a fun projects lined up! I hope you don't lose power!


  3. Heather, if you want a heated bed, let me HIGHLY recommend a heated mattress pad. I flip mine on sometimes just when I've over-done it on the weekends!

    We do lose electricity here and there, but I have candles galore.

    Chelsea, oh, that's too funny! One of Savannah's birthdays was during a hurricane, and since we had a few day's notice, I added board games to her roster of gifts. Clue by candlelight is extra creepy and cool!

  4. Ooooo I'm gonna have to check back for numbers 4 and 5 they sound right up my alley !!

  5. Been there done that in South Florida...we lived there for nine years:) Just came home from vaca there, we had a glorious week of weather. Thanks for stopping over and your nice comment:) I am very colorful to say the least lol lol!

  6. Can't wait for the update on this post and be safe. olive♥

  7. I'm here at the beach...beautiful today, but the weekend looks WET:( Guess I will blog and go shopping...that's okay:) Good luck on your projects.



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