
Monday, May 24, 2010

The Race Home

Saturday May 15th I was on a mission. 

It was Day 2 in the car on the way home from Virginia, and my only priority was getting home by 4:00. Why?
It was Sammy's Senior Prom that night.

Yes, add that to the mix of the whirlwind that week. To help matters, he'd decided at the last minute that he wanted to go. We barely got his ticket. The hat I ordered him to go with his suit arrived in the wrong size. And I felt Sam had enough to deal with in my absence without handling the boutonniere. Not to mention four of his close friends are girls I just adore, and they didn't have dates either, so I wanted to make sure this was special for all of them.
 So we skidded into town just after 4:00 and I ran into CVS. There was a bouquet of two dozen tightly closed red rose buds for $9. PERFECT!
 I scooped them up and raced home, gave the hubby a big smooch, got Mom and her critters in the door, and then nabbed my Fiskars and hit the backyard to clip some feathery ferns. I used wide white silk ribbon so it wouldn't clash with anyone's dress and tied together 4 mini bouquets of roses and fern, securing them first with rubber bands.
My dapper oldest then got a single bud framed in fern for his lapel...
...and some motherly advice to lose the Dr. Jones look...
...and sport the top hat instead.
Not bad for last minute, eh? 

Tonight is Senior Award Night and we were invited, which means he'll be a recipient. He has straight A's, so we're assuming it's academic or drama related, but either way, I just couldn't be prouder.


  1. Wowzers Lady! Super talented family I see! I would have been racing home for that too! You did a wonderful boutonniere and bouquet.

    He looked quite debonair and handsome. Did he have a good time?


  2. He had a blast and danced the night away! I'm not even sure when he got home (Sam went and picked him up) because I was OUT! But it was all worth it.

  3. I bet he had a great time - a night he will remember for sure!


  4. Love it!

    (Oh and yes, I had a blast - as always - in your backyard, so to speak. :) Gotta love Florida! But I hear the summers are dreadful...)

  5. Aw, what fun! Good thinking on the spot for those flowers - that's a true DIY'er right there. :)

    Glad he had fun at prom!


  6. That's a great story! I love his prom attire. Reminds me of Phantom of the Opera. He looks dashing and mysterious. Glad he had a great time. Congrats on the award too!

  7. Awww, congratulations to your son for his accomplishments! What a great time in his life. I got a huge smile on my face reading this.


    p.s. He's so lucky to have such a proud and involved mother. *hug*

  8. You are a whiz at making do, Sunny! I'm impressed!

    Ah, prom...brings back memories. Looks like your son was more fun than MY prom date....

  9. Oh, he's a hoot alright, but he doesn't date right now. The roses were for gal pals of his that I just adore. He has the nicest circle of friends.


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.