
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Random Green: Idea of the Week

The Hubster actually found this idea online a few days ago, and I LOVE the idea of taking something that you no longer use and filling a very necessary niche with it.
His iPod headphones were always tangled. Our cassette tapes are all converted to digital.
One surplussed cassette box plus jumbled headphones equals order in the gym bag! 
And you know I like the price.


  1. Neat idea! I usually just wrap mine around the ipod though :-)

    Blessed be,

  2. Sam keeps his headphones in his gym bag because he only uses them when he's working out, and we use the iPod in the stereo dock as well. Plus I have a no headphones in the house policy.


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.