
Friday, April 16, 2010

Fire Room Update

Remember this?

Well we added this...
...then this...

...and this...
...and now we have THIS!

AND we passed inspection a few minutes ago! The windows arrive at 2:00!
Ready to run?


  1. Yay! It's getting there!


    p.s. Your office casual comment cracked me up because it's SO TRUE! Seriously!

    p.p.s. I have a couple of friends (more than a couple, actually) who are struggling with infidelity and would happily trade in their six pack abs for three healthy babies. You're a lucky lady!

  2. It's going to go fast now, Kelly!

    (Kelly's referring to my comments about her enviable six pack abs. Go check out her drywalling abilities at Tearing Up Houses on the blogroll to the right!)

  3. How exciting!! It's really looking great! Congrats on passing inspection.

  4. I'm good to go on my header but glad you left me a comment so I could jump over here. Looks exciting. Can't wait to see it all done. Sandra @ Sawdust and Paper Scraps


Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.