
Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Assure You We're Open

So, how did this idea to blog come about?

Well, simple: I was in high gear to get this house in shape, and having to post would certainly be motivational. So the projects began. Until August 16th.

When the house caught on fire. Yes, that is smoke you see billowing from the windows.

The insurance company settled this last week, so there will be a flurry of activity in the next several weeks as I VERY painstakingly oversee and participate in the reconstruction of my unusual and interesting house.

But the day before said fire, we did a quick makeover that involved removing our storm-damaged gazebo from the patio, putting up the new $70 model we scored at Big Lots half off the half off, and editing the furniture to a more pleasing grouping. The slender gent helping with the demolition is my youngest son, Thom. He likes to destroy. You're going to see a lot of him.

There you have it, my favorite room in the house. And with three teenagers, we'll be expanding outward to make sure everyone can get a quick slice of alone time. So what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I just found your blog. I'm so sorry about the fire. What caused it? That is my second worst nightmare. The first would be losing my kids or husband. Glad you guys were okay.



Oh, admit that you read the post! It'll be our little secret.