
Monday, April 30, 2012

Plotting in the Rain

Well, when you're trapped inside all weekend due to rain,
 you find something else to occupy your time.
 Like shopping for design elements.
We took a quick dip into Home Depot for paint; 
as usual, I had my notebook tucked in The Mom Bag,
so we looked at a few of the things on my wish list,
like lighting and corbels.
The sexy stuff.
(Forgive me, the photos were all taken with my phone,
and they can't be rotated. Flip your laptop on
its side where appropriate.)
 These beasts were the heftiest in both size and price.
At $35 a pop, they'll end up as decorative touches for the new island.
A mere fling due to attraction but budgetary incompatibility.
You have no idea how cheap I can be.
 I liked these, but let's face a fact:
Ho. Hum.
 They'd do the job of supporting my open shelving.
They'd also inspire a nap.
I live with a nerd and a litter of geeklettes;
I'm used to excitement and stimulation!
As pretty as these are, they lack a practical element.
Maybe they look like they'd snap in half.
Maybe I'm picturing excessive dusting.
Either way, these seem better suited to a Victorian porch than a beach cottage kitchen.
Take your refinement and leave.
I'd hurt you.
Ohhhhhhhh, THESE.
A little curl.
A little cue.
Enough heft to support my pottery mixing bowls.
And a PAIR of them is $18.
I hear angels, do you?
Now to map out the shelf wall.
I gently kissed the corbels and promised to return in a husky whisper,
then adjusted my peasant top and headed for lighting without a backwards glance.
 ...oh my...
Yes. YES! It's perfect!
Come home with me!!!
You see that price tag too, don't you?
Eighty freakin' dollars???
We can't have that sullying the bottom line.
 Let's look at it a different way...
like a way that includes my glass drill bits,
a glass cutting kit,
and perhaps a Dollar Tree vase or two...
 Shall we give it a try?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Going Shopping

Yay, it's the weekend!
 Two glorious days strung together with possibilities.
Should we garden?
Plot out a sun shade?
Finally map out the landscaping?
Mow the lawn?
Spread fertilizer?
Soapicide the snow peas?
Refit the hanging baskets with new cocoa liners?
Well I don't know; how much of that can you do inside???
 We're getting all 20% of the predicted rain.
Meh, let's plot some other things to do.
Hang onto that recycling.
Headed for Family Dollar, Dollar General, Dollar Tree and Home Depot.
If not back, avenge death.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Garden Update

Just to set some of your minds at ease,
the afore alluded to blood transfusion was for anemia.
 Who are you calling anemic???
Well, we still have a checklist to tick off.
And why not?
I certainly tick off the neighbors.
Site leveled.
Tyvek Tape procured...
 ...and minor rips in umbrellas and the gazebo repaired!
 Ground cleared.
Fine, I had help.
 Heirlooms growing.
 Deck planned.
 Furniture freshened...
...and painted...
 ...and contrasted...
 ...and brightened...
 ...and renewed!

 Okay, I'm just showing off now.
 Eggplants proliferating.
 Orchids thriving.
 Topsy Turvy tomatoes taking a bow.
Jewels polished.
 Little Guy stashed.
 Block wall prepped.

 Boring furniture brightened.

 Eyesore of a fence identified.
Solution in the hatching stages.
 New raised bed installed.
Tomatoes staked.
 New blooms join the explosion of color.

 Basil rooted.
 Various herbs readied for their turn to show off.
Florals propagated.
Mint multiplied.
If you're going to spend time recovering,
surround yourself with life and energy.
And iron. I need to take some of that.
I've consumed more blood than a Cullen.
I hate sparkly vampires.